H. Folkerts 2024
An Architecture for Model Behavior Generation for Multiple Simulators
B. Freymann 2022
Reactive and Cooperative Robot Controls Based on the SBC Framework
A. Schmidt 2019:
Variant Management in Modeling and Simulation Using the SES/MB Framework
R. Reinhardt 2019:
A Contribution to the Determination of Operationg Points for Axial Compressors
S. Behrendt 2018:
Application of Sophisticated Algorithms for Spark Ignition Engine Control
G. Maletzki 2014:
Rapid Control Prototyping of Complex and Flexible Robot Controls Using the SBC-Approach
M. Tomforde 2014:
Contribution to the Control of the Air Ratio of a Gasoline Engine, Taking Into Account the Dynamics of a Three-way Catalyst
C. Steinbrecher 2010:
Torque Coordination of Spark Ignition Engine - Control of Processes with Auxiliary Actuating and Control Variables
O. Hagendorf 2009:
Simulation Based Parameter and Structure Optimisation of Discrete Event Systems
R. Fink 2007:
Investigations on SCE Based Parallel Computing
J.-U. Dolinsky 2001:
The Development of a Genetic Programming Method for Kinematic Robot Calibration
SNE Special Issues
SNE Simulation Notes Europe
Special Issue 'Simulation of Technical Systems - Methods, Tools & Applications', Pawletta, T., Mammen, H.-T. (Eds.),
Volume 25, Issue 2, 2015, ARGESIM / ASIM, Vienna, ISSN/ISBN Print: 2305-9974, ISSN/ISBN Electronic: 2306-0271, DOI: 10.11128/sne.25.2.1029
SNE Simulation Notes Europe
Special Issue 'Ontologies in Modelling and Simulation', Pawletta, T., Durak, U. (Eds.),
Volume 24, Issue 2, 2014, ARGESIM / ASIM, Vienna, ISSN/ISBN Print: 2305-9974, ISSN/ISBN Electronic: 2306-0271, DOI: 10.11128/sne.24.2.1024
SNE Simulation Notes Europe
Special Issue 'Simulation of Traffic Systems - Technical Systems', Pawletta, T. (Ed.),
Volume 22, Issue 2, 2012, ARGESIM / ASIM, Vienna, ISSN/ISBN Print: 2305-9974, ISSN/ISBN Electronic: 2306-0271, DOI: 10.11128/sne.22.2.1012
SNE Simulation News Europe
Special Issue 'Parallel and Distributed Simulation Methods and Environments', Pawletta, T. (Ed.),
Volume 16, Issue 2, 2006 ARGESIM / EUROSIM / ASIM, Vienna, ISSN 0929-2268
C. Krull , W. Commerell, U. Durak , A. Körner , T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings Kurzbeiträge ASIM Workshop STS / GMMS / EDU 2023, Univ. Magdeburg
06. - 07. March 2023, Magdeburg
ARGESIM Report 22 (ASIM Mitteilung 186), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2023,
ISBN eBook 978-3-903347-62-5, DOI 10.11128/arep.22
C. Krull , W. Commerell, U. Durak , A. Körner , T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings Langbeiträge ASIM Workshop STS / GMMS / EDU 2023, Univ. Magdeburg
06. - 07. March 2023, Magdeburg
ARGESIM Report 21 (ASIM Mitteilung 185), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2023,
ISBN eBook 978-3-903347-61-8, DOI 10.11128/arep.21
F. Breitenecker , C. Deatcu, U. Durak , A. Körner, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings Langbeiträge ASIM SST 2022, 26. Symposium Simulationstechnik, TU Wien
25. - 27. July 2022, Vienna
ARGESIM Report 20 (ASIM Mitteilung 180), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2022,
ISBN eBook 978-3-901608-97-1, DOI 10.11128/arep.20
F. Breitenecker , C. Deatcu, U. Durak , A. Körner, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings Kurzbeiträge ASIM SST 2022, 26. Symposium Simulationstechnik, TU Wien
25. - 27. July 2022, Vienna
ARGESIM Report 19 (ASIM Mitteilung 179), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2022,
ISBN eBook 978-3-901608-96-4, DOI 10.11128/arep.19
C. Deatcu , D. Lückerath, O. Ullrich, U. Durak (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM SST 2020 - 25. ASIM Symposium Simulationstechnik
14. - 15. October 2020, Virtual Conference
ARGESIM Report AR 59 (ASIM Mitteilung AM 174), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2020, ISBN eBook 978-3-901608-93-3, DOI 10.11128/arep.59
U. Durak, C. Deatcu, J. Hettwer (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2019
ARGESIM Verlag, Wien, 2019; ISBN ebook: 978-3-901608-06-3; DOI 10.11128/arep.57; ARGESIM Report 57; ASIM Mitteilung 170
C. Deatcu, T. Schramm, K. Zobel (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM SST 2018 - 24. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Hamburg
04. - 05. October 2018, Hamburg
ARGESIM Verlag Wien, 2018; ISBN print: 978-3-901608-12-4; ISBN ebook: 978-3-901608-17-9; 10.11128/arep.56; ARGESIM Report 56; ASIM Mitteilung 168
W. Commerell, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2017
ARGESIM Verlag, Wien, 2017; ISBN print: 978-3-901608-50-6, ISBN ebook: 978-3-901608-90-2; DOI: 10.11128/arep.53; ARGESIM Report 53; ASIM Mitteilung 162
D. Tikhomirov, H.-T. Mammen, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2016
ARGESIM Wien, 2016; ISBN print: 978-3-901608-48-3, ISBN ebook: 978-3-901608-88-9; DOI: 10.11128/arep.51; ARGESIM Report 51; ASIM Mitteilung 158
J. Wittmann, C. Deatcu (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM 2014, 22. Symposium Simulationstechnik
3. - 5. September 2014, HTW Berlin.
ARGESIM Report 43 (ASIM Mitteilung AM 151), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2014, ISBN 978-3-901608-44-5
J. Scheible, I. Bausch-Gall, C. Deatcu (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2014
ARGESIM Verlag Wien, 2014; ISBN 978-3-901608-42-1; DOI: 10.11128/arep.42; ARGESIM Report 42; ASIM Mitteilung 149
C. Deatcu , P. Dünow, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings 5. ASIM-Workshop Wismar 2011 "Modellierung, Regelung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation". ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2011, CD, ISBN 978-3-901608-36-0
C. Deatcu, P. Dünow, T. Pawletta, S. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings Treffen der ASIM Fachgruppe STS und 4. ASIM-Workshop Wismar 2008 "Modellierung, Regelung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation". ARGESIM Report (ASIM-Mitteilungen AM 117), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2008, 284 pages
C. Deatcu, P. Dünow, S. Pawletta, T. Pawletta (Eds..):
Proceedings 3. ASIM-Workshop Wismar 2006 "Modellierung, Regelung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation". ARGESIM Report no. 31 (ASIM-Mitteilungen AM 101), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2006, 208 pages
C. Deatcu, P. Dünow, S. Pawletta, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM-Workshop Wismar 2004 "Modellierung, Regelung und Diagnose von Verbrennungsmotorprozessen". ARGESIM Report no. 27 (ASIM-Mitteilungen AMB 92), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna 2004, 183 pages
C. Deatcu, S. Pawletta, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM-Workshop Wismar 2003 - Modellierung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation. ARGESIM Report no. 25 (ASIM-Mitteilungen AMB 85), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2003, 85 pages
Whitepaper & Technical Notes
R. Fink:
Implementing the 2D square lattice Boltzmann method in Matlab
September 29, 2006
A. Schmidt:
Überarbeitete Masterthesis: Entwicklung eines Simulators zur energetischen Bewertung von Prozessketten der spanenden Bauteilfertigung mit MATLAB/SimEvents®
Juni 2015
Publications published by members of the research group Computational Engineering and Automation: