
der Forschungsgruppe CEA

In regelmäßigen Abständen finden Forschungsseminare statt, um die Gruppenmitglieder über die Fortschritte der verschiedenen Projekte zu informieren.

Forschungsseminare 2021-2025
Wintersemester 2023/24
  • Peter Junglas
    Modeling and Simulation of a Real-world Application using NSA-DEVS
    Research Talk
    September 7th 2023
  • Hendrik Folkerts
    Automation of multiple Simulators
    Research Talk
    January 22th 2024
Wintersemester 2022/23
  • David Jammer
    Production line in NSA-DEVSforMATLAB
    Research Talk
    Februrary 23th 2023
Wintersemester 2021/22
  • David Jammer
    Research Talk
    September 23th 2021
Sommersemester 2021
  • Georg Kunert and Christina Deatcu
    Generation of RL Experiments using Extended SES Tools for Matlab/Simulink
    Research Talk
    August 27th 2021, 13:00, virtual seminar
  • Christina Deatcu
    Extended SES/MB Tools for Matlab
    Research Talk
    June 18th 2021, 13:00, virtual seminar
Forschungsseminare 2016-2020
Wintersemester 2020/21
  • David Jammer
    PDEVS, RPDEVS and NSA-DEVS for Matlab
    Research Talk
    February 17th 2021, 10:00, virtual seminar
  • Georg Kunert
    Reinforced Learning of a Traffic Light Control Compared to an Optimization Approach
    Status PhD Project
    February 1st 2021, 09:00, virtual seminar
  • Georg Kunert
    Modeling Different Tasks of a Robot in SimEvents
    Status PhD Project
    December 11th 2020, 10:00, virtual seminar
  • Georg Kunert
    Application Example for Complex Experiments According to A.
    Schmidt Using Reinforcement Learning as Experiment Method
    Status PhD Project
    September 29th 2020, 09:00, virtual seminar
  • Hendrik Folkerts
    Model Generation for Multiple Simulators Using SES/MB and FMI
    Status PhD Project
    September 17th 2020, 09:00, virtual seminar
  • Georg Kunert
    Reinforcement Learning as a Complex Simulation-Based Experiment
    Status PhD Project
    September 9th 2020, 09:00, virtual seminar
Sommersemester 2020
  • Georg Kunert
    Reinforcement Q-Learning + (Artificial) Neural Networks = Deep Q - Networks
    Status PhD Project
    June 24th 2020, 09:00, virtual seminar
Wintersemester 2019/20
  • Georg Kunert
    Human-Robot Collaboration with Reinforcement Learning in Context of Assembly
    Status PhD Project
    October 16th 2019, 12:30
  • Hendrik Folkerts
    Model Specification and Automatic Model Generation for Multiple Simulators Using the eSES/MB Approach
    Status PhD Project
    October 7th 2019, 12:15
  • Ramon Ernst
    Potential of ArtificiaI Intelligence to Improve Planning Efficiency in Development Projects
    Master Thesis Defense
    September 27th 2019, 09:00
Sommersemester 2019
  • David Jammer
    Exploration of Parallel Computing Technologies for Simulation Applications
    Master Thesis Defense
    August 29th 2019, 10:00
  • Hendrik Folkerts
    Usage of the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) with the eSES/MB Infrastructure
    Info Talk
    August 17th 2019, 10:00
  • Hendrik Folkerts
    Introduction to the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI)
    Info Talk
    August 16th 2019, 10:00
  • Hendrik Folkerts
    An Integrated Modeling, Simulation and Experimentation Environment in Python Based on SES/MB and DEVS
    Research Talk
    July 17th 2019, 10:00
  • Peter Junglas
    Modeling with SimEvents 5 vor SimEvents 4 Modlers
    Guest Talk
    July 9th 2019, 13:00
  • Georg Kunert
    Reinforcement Learning with Multiple Agents with the Case Study of the Labyrinth from the Diss G. Maletzki
    Research Talk
    June 27th 2019, 10:00
  • David Jammer
    OpenCL - Matrix Multiplication
    Info Talk
    June 26th 2019, 10:00
  • Georg Kunert
    A Literature Review in Context of Reinforcement Learning
    Info Talk
    May 29th 2019, 14:15
  • Georg Kunert
    Accelerating Reinforcement Learning for Robot Controls Using Interim Rewards and Master/Slave Computing
    Research Talk
    May 8th 2019, 14:15
  • David Jammer
    Introduction into GPU and OpenCL
    Info Talk
    April 10th 2019, 14:15
Wintersemester 2018/19
  • David Jammer
    Beschleunigung eines Reinforcement-Learning-Algorithmus durch Parallelverarbeitung für Robotikanwendungen
    Research Talk
    February 18th 2019, 13:00
  • Christina Deatcu
    MATLAB/Simulink's Variant Manager vs SESToPy
    Research Talk
    February 18th 2019, 12:00
  • Hendrik Folkerts
    A Python Framework for Model Specification and Automatic Model Generation for Multiple Simulators
    Research Talk
    February 18th 2019, 9:00
  • Alexander Martens
    Automatische Modellbildung mittels SES/MB Framework und einer Template-Erweiterung
    Research Talk
    February 15th 2019, 10:00
  • Alexander Martens
    LON-Bus Simulation using SimEvents for Workload and Error Estimation
    Project Status
    September 26th 2018, 14:00
  • Georg Kunert
    Generation of Controls for Joint-Arm Robots Using Simulation-Based Reinforcement-Learning
    Project Status
    September 26th 2018, 13:00
Sommersemester 2018
  • Georg Kunert
    Model- and Reality-Based Self-Learning Control for Joint-Arm Robots Using the Example of a Two-Player Application
    Project Status
    June 4th 2018, 14:15
  • Ernst Klimmey
    Development of a Visualization Environment for Interactive Real-Time Marine Vessel Simulation
    Master's Thesis Defence
    May 28th 2018, 14:15
  • Alexander Martens
    LON-Bus Simulation using SimEvents for Workload and Error Estimation
    Project Status
    May 22nd 2018, 14:15
  • David Jammer
    Investigations to Real-Time Capability of the Single-Board Computer (SBC) Raspberry Pi 3
    Bachelor's Thesis Defence
    March 12th 2018, 14:00

Wintersemester 2017/18
  • Georg Kunert
    A Study on the Integration of Machine Learning into the Simulation-Based Control Framework of the Research Group CEA Using the Example of a Jointed-Arm Robot Application
    Disputation Master Thesis
    January 29th 2018, 9:30
  • Georg Kunert
    Reinforcement Learning in the Context of the SBC Framework
    Project Status
    December 19th 2017, 13:00
  • David Jammer
    Posix-Threads für Echtzeitanwendungen
    December 5th 2017, 12:30
  • David Jammer
    GPIO-Control via Low-Level-IO
    December 5th 2017, 10:00
  • Georg Kunert
    Machine Learning - Several Approaches of ML and Applications/Prospects for Master Thesis
    Project Status
    November 14th 2017, 13:00
  • Hendrik Folkerts
    Development of the SES Editor in Python 
    Project Status
    November 14th 2017, 12:00
  • Ernst Klimmey
    A Visualization Environment for Interactive Real-Time Simulation of Vessels 
    Project Status
    November 02nd 2017, 10:00
  • Birger Freymann
    Task-Based Multi-Robot Control
    Project Status
    October 17th 2017, 14:00

Sommersemester 2017
  • Lukas Sievert
    Simulation Based Development of Controls for Multi-criteria Optimization of Manufacturing Process Chains, Particularly with Regard to Time-depending Energy Consumption
    Disputation Master Thesis
    May 05th 2017, 14:00
  • Hendrik Folkerts
    Pure::Variants - Variant Management with Eclipse
    Introduction to Concept
    April 04th 2017, 15:00
  • Peter Junglas
    PHWT Vechta/Diepholz/Oldenburg
    SES Modelbuilder
    Project Report
    April 04th 2017, 13:00
  • Georg Kunert
    Rendering - Parallel Calculations with Parallel Computing Toolbox in MATLAB
    Project Report
    March 28th 2017, 10:00
  • Research Meeting Centauro GmbH Vienna & FG CEA
    V. Malisa, T. Kommenda
    March 20th - 21st
Wintersemester 2016/17
  • Ernst Klimmey
    Physical Modeling with Simscape and OpenModelica
    February 14th 2017, 13:00
  • Daniel Pascheka
    SES-Editor MoSES - new SW-Architecture.
    Project Status
    January 31st 2017, 14:00
  • Research Meeting Liverpool John Moores Univ. & FG CEA
    I. Jenkinson, C. Matthews
    January 24th - 25th
    Development of an Open Source Library for Vessel Simulation
    January 24th 2017, 13:00
  • Kai Ewert
    Integration of an Electrical 2-jaw Parallel Gripper into Existing Software Tools of the Research Group CEA.
    Disputation Master-Thesis
    November 9th 2016, 14:00
  • Lukas Sievert
    Project Status: Simulation-Based Development of a Control for Multicriterial Optimization of a Process Chain under Special Consideration of Energy Consumption
    November 9th 2016, 15:00
Forschungsseminare 2011-2015
Wintersemester 2015/16
  • Daniel Pascheka
    Status Report SES Editor Development in JAVA
    October 22nd 2015, 15:00
  • Steffen Podelleck
    Comparison of Physical Modelling Approaches in OpenModelica and MATLAB/Simscape
    October 21st 2015, 12:30
Sommersemester 2015

Sommersemester 2015

  • Toni Ebert
    Semi-Graphical Editor and Parser for the DEVS Tbx for MATLAB/Simulink
    July 7th 2015, 13:00
  • Christina Deatcu
    MATLAB/Simulink Based Rapid Control Prototyping for Multivendor Robot Applications
    June 16th 2015, 13:00
  • Birger Freymann
    Multi-Robot Controls with Varying Interaction Principles Based on the Simulation Based Control Framework and the Discrete Event System Specification Formalism
    June 8th 2015, 13:00
  • Research Meeting BIBA Univ. Bremen & FG CEA
    M. Lütjen, D. Rippel
    Project Overview to SFB 747: Simultaneous Engineering
    A. Schmidt: DFG Project Status
    System Modeling Using the System Entity Structure / Model Base Framework Applied to Planing of Ressource Efficient Proces Chains 
    March 18th 2015, 13:00
  • Research Meeting U. Durak, DLR Braunschweig
    March 27th 2015, 15:00
  • Christoph Rasch
    Ontology Based Testing of Dynamic Models Using the Example of Robot Trajectories
    Disputation Master-Thesis
    March 27th 2015, 14:00
  • Research Meeting P. Scholz, SAM Electronics GmbH Hamburg
    March 19th 2015, 14:00
  • Birger Freymann
    Object Oriented Programming with Matlab
    March 19th 2015, 12:30
  • Daniel Pascheka
    SES Toolbox Overview
    March 12th 2015, 13:00
Wintersemester 2014/15
  • Birger Freymann
    Discussion on Design Changes of the Robotic Control Part of RCV Toolbox
    January 29th 2015, 13:00
  • Christina Deatcu
    Discussion on Design Changes of the Visualization Part of RCV Toolbox
    January 29th 2015, 13:30
  • Birger Freymann
    Status PhD Project: Multi-Robot Controls on Basis of the SBC Framework
    January 29th 2015, 14:00
Sommersemester 2014
  • Felix Kohl
    Investigation, Implementation and Validation of Concepts for Observer-Based Online Prediction of the Behavior of Test Systems in Automotive Engineering
    Disputation Master-Thesis
    August 28. 2014, 13:00
  • Daniel Pascheka
    Ontology-Supported System Modeling and Simulation in MATLAB/Simulink
    August 28. 2014, 14:00
  • Artur Schmidt
    Hybrid Modeling of Manufacturing Process Chains with Energy Aspects within a Discrete Simulation Environment
    August 28. 2014, 14:30
  • Peter Junglas, FHWT Vechta/Diepholz
    What for does a Roboter need Linear Algebra?
    Guest talk
    March 24. 2014, 12:30
Wintersemester 2013/14
  • Birger Freymann
    Implementation of a Model Library for Interacting Robots in the MATLAB/DEVS Environment
    Disputation Master-Thesis
    February 2nd 2014, 15:30
  • Jan Wegener
    3D-Scanning for Robot Applications
    Project Presentation
    December 19. 2013, 13:00
  • Michael Flau
    Development of a Crew-Conferencing Application for a Prospective, Modular Server Architecture in an Aircraft Cabin
    Disputation Master-Thesis
    November 28. 2013, 13:00
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    Geometric Algebra
    October 30. 2013, 13:00
  • Research Meeting
    DLR Braunschweig and CEA group
    October 28. 2013, 10:00 - 16:30
Sommersemester 2013
  • Christoph Rasch
    Development of a Coordinated Robot Application for Kawasaki FS300N
    Disputation Bachelor-Thesis
    April 25. 2013, 12:30
  • Daniel Pascheka
    Use of Kinect as an Optical Measuring Instrument 
    April 02. 2013, 16:00
Wintersemester 2012/13
  • Gunnar Maletzki
    Rapid Control Prototyping of Complex and Flexible Robot Controls Based on the SBC-Approach
    February 26. 2013, 10:00
  • Artur Schmidt
    Ontology-Based Modeling and Discrete Event Simulation in the Field of Resource Efficient Process Chain Planning Using MATLAB/SimEvents
    February 12. 2013, 13:00
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    Ontological Modeling and Automatic Model-Generation in MATLAB/Simulink: The Tiny SES Toolbox
    February 12. 2013, 12:30
  • Christoph Rasch
    Development of a CAD Interface for the MatlabKK-Visualization Toolbox
    January 17. 2013, 17:45
  • Steffen Kühn, Richard Lüpken
    Concept for the Design of a Graphical the SES Editor
    November 18. 2012, 18:45
  • Artur Schmidt
    Overview on Modelling with the SES (System Entity Structure)
    November 18. 2012, 18:00
Sommersemester 2012
  • Tobias Pingel
    Working with SimEvents and Stateflow - A Tutorial
    August 09. 2012, 12:30
  • Discussion
    Modelling Using the System Entity Structure- Part II
    July 20. 2012, 10:00
  • Discussion
    Modelling Using the System Entity Structure- Part I
    July 19. 2012, 13:00
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    Logical Programming
    May 24. 2012, 14:15
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    Flexible Task-oriented Multi-Robot Controls on Basis of the SES/MB and DEVS Formalism
    Status Report PhD Project
    April 03. 2012, 12:30
  • Michael Christern
    Robot Integration and Visual Obstacle Detection with ROS
    Disputation Master-Thesis
    March 26. 2012, 10:00
  • Christina Kossow
    Modelling Partners in Crime in Pancreatic Cancer - Application of a Hybrid Cellular Automaton
    March 15. 2012, 12:30
  • Project Meeting
    Model Based Planning of Energy Efficient Process Chains in Manufacturing
    February 10. 2012, 11:30
  • Olaf Hagendorf
    Simulation Based Evaluation and Optimization of System Structures Using a Graph Based Specification
    February 08. 2012, 12:30
Wintersemester 2011/12
  • Olaf Hagendorf, Arthur Schmidt
    Model Based Planing of Energy Efficient Process Chains Using System Entity Structures
    Status DFG Part II
    December 06. 2011, 14:00
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    Control Design for Multi-Robot-Systems -
    Investigation on State-of-the-Art of mobile Robots and Industrial Robots
    December 06. 2011, 12:00
  • Olaf Hagendorf, Arthur Schmidt
    Model Based Planing of Energy Efficient Process Chains Using System Entity Structures
    Status DFG Part I
    November 29. 2011, 15:00
Forschungsseminare 2006-2010
Wintersemester 2010/11
  • Olaf Hagendorf
    Status SES Toolbox
    January 19. 2011, 14:30
  • Roland Larek
    Resource-efficient Design of Manufacturing Process Chains through Simulation and Numerical Optimization
    January 19. 2011, 12:30
  • Christian Steinbrecher
    Torque Coordination of Spark Ignition Engine - Control of Processes with Auxiliary Actuating and Control Variables
    Pre-Disputation PhD Thesis
    November 11. 2010, 12:30
Sommersemester 2011
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    Flexible Task Oriented Robot Controls Using the System Entity Structure and Discrete Automata - Discussion And Comparision of Both Approaches
    June 23. 2011, 12:30
  • Johannes Otto
    Design of a Visualization Toolbox for Cooperating Kawasaki and Kuka Robots Using Matlab
    Disputation Bachelor-Thesis
    March 17. 2011, 13:00
Wintersemester 2009/10
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    Simulation-based Design and Operation of Controls on Basis of the DEVS-Theory
    March 3. 2010, 12:30
  • Sachse, Link
    KUKA Robot Control using the Phantom Omni Input System
    February 24. 2010, 12:30
  • Tobias Pingel
    Research on applying the Simulation Model based Control Approach to the mobile Robot CoroBot
    Disputation Master Thesis
    February 23. 2010, 12:30
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    DEVS-based Control of flexible Production and Robot Systems
    Disputation Master Thesis
    January 27. 2010, 13:30
  • Dirk Rachholz
    Animation of multi-dimensional Parameters for analyzing Noctilucent Clouds
    Disputation Master Thesis
    January 27. 2010, 12:30
  • Stefan Behrendt
    Observer Based Structures in Model Predictive Control
    December 14. 2009, 12:30
  • Kathrin Ahlers
    Modelling of Mechanical Losses of a Combustion Engine within a Scalable Engine Model
    Disputation Master Thesis
    November 16. 2009, 12:30 (non-public)
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    Continuous System Simulation - Fundamentals of QSS, QSS2, and BQSS: Introduced by Practical Applications
    October 15. 2009, 10:00
Sommersemester 2009
  • Tobias Pingel
    Status Report: Interfacing the Mobile Robot Platform COROBOT with MATLAB
    June 25. 2009, 13:30
  • Christian Stenzel
    Parallel and Distributed Simulation of Discrete Event Systems in Engineering Applications
    June 25. 2009, 12:30
  • Christian Fritzsche
    Predictive Speed and Torque Control
    June 17. 2009, 12:30
  • Michael Christern, Arthur Schmidt
    Stage of Work: Kawasaki Robot Commissioning - TCP/IP Communication, AS Language, PC-Roset Tool
    June 10. 2009, 12:30
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    Real-Time Control with DEVS
    May 28. 2009, 12:30
  • Johannes Rösler
    Research on generating Assembly Variants out of Exploded Drawings using Image Processing Methods
    Disputation Diploma Thesis
    May 6. 2009, 12:30
  • Michael Christern, Arthur Schmidt
    Stage of Work: Kawasaki Robot Commissioning - TCP/IP Communication, AS Language, PC-Roset Tool
    April 8. 2009, 12:30
  • Tobias Schwatinski
    Discussion on Parallel DEVS - Fundamentals, Implementation with Matlab, Employment in RCP
    April 1. 2009, 12:30
  • Sven Pawletta
    General Discussion on Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP)
    March 25. 2009, 12:30
  • Tobias Pingel
    Design of a Rapid Prototyping Environment for Intelligent Robot Controls
    March 18. 2009, 12:30
  • Stefan Behrendt
    Real-Time MPC for Combustion Engines
    Disputation Master Thesis
    March 13. 2009, 14:15
    Bldg.: 17, Room: 225
Wintersemester 2008/09
  • Artur Schmidt
    Development of a Scilab/KRL Toolbox for Kuka KR3 Robots
    January 21. 2009, 14:45
  • Michael Christern
    Reengineering of Matlab/KRL Toolbox and KRL-Interpreter for Kuka KR3 Robots
    January 21. 2009, 14:15
  • Bernd Lampe
    Studies on the Applicability of Scilab as Computing Environment for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
    Disputation Diploma Thesis
    December 11. 2008, 12:30
  • Christian Stenzel
    Design, Configuration and Operation of the CEA Cluster
    October 2. 2008, 12:30
  • Workshop
    September 17. 2008, Build 17, Room 315
Sommersemester 2008
  • Nils Langbehn
    MMI-Framework Automation Interface Integration and Knowledge Base Design
    Disputation Diploma Thesis
    June 3. 2008, 12:30
  • Hans-Gernot Praetorius
    Design of a Communication / Control Tool for a mobile Robot Vehicle using MATLAB / SIMULINK 
    Disputation Diploma Thesis
    April 30. 2008, 13:00
    Bldg.: 17, Room: 225
  • Christian Fritzsche
    Coordination of different affected and strongly limited Actuator Intervention within Mechatronical Systems 
    March 27. 2008, 13:30
  • Nick Prestin
    Design of a Software Component for the 'G4 Audio' Network Microphone
    INTERSCHALT Maritime Systems
    Disputation Diploma Thesis (non-public)
    March 27. 2008, 12:30
Wintersemester 2007/08
  • Andreas Schröder
    Assembly of a Rendering Farm for Distributed Computing on heterogeneous Workstations
    Disputation Diploma Thesis
    January 24. 2008, 12:30
    Bldg.: Rechenzentrum, Room: 120
  • Christian Kaiser
    Research on application-orientated Realization of flexible Robot Controls - on the basis of Assembling Problems
    December 20. 2007, 14:00
  • René Fink
    SCEs and Parallel Computing
    Disputation PhD Thesis
    December 13. 2007, 14:00 c.t.
    Warnemünde, Richard-Wagner-Str. 31, Bldg. 1, Room: WM 1128
  • Tobias Pingel
    SCEs and Grid Computing
    October 11. 2007, 12:30
Sommersemester 2007
  • Christian Fritzsche
    Control of Processes with Auxiliary Actuating and Control Variables - Torque Coordination of Spark Ignition Engine
    August 24. 2007, 14:00
  • Sven Feiks
    TriCore-Microcontroller CAN-Bypass for real-time swapping of complex Computations
    August 24. 2007, 13:30
  • Frank Stegemann
    Model-Based Pressure Curve Simulation using the HCCI Combustion Process for DI Gasoline Engines
    August 24. 2007, 13:00
  • Gunnar Maletzki & Christian Stenzel
    Control Development and -Realisation of cooperating Robot Applications
    August 22. 2007, 13:00
  • Christian Stenzel
    Distributed Simulation - Basic Aspects
    July 10. 2007, 10:30
  • Frank Stegemann
    Basics of the Model-Based Pressure Curve Simulation using the HCCI Combustion Process for DI Gasoline Engines
    June 21. 2007, 14:00
  • René Jugert
    System Behaviour Simulation of a Motorcar Air-Conditioner using the Refrigerant CO2
    May 24. 2007, 12:30
  • Frank Meller
    Transformation of Event Graph Models (EGM) in DEVS
    April 26. 2007, 12:30
Wintersemester 2006/07
  • Tobias Pingel
    Grid Computing - Basic Aspects
    December 07. 2006, 13:00
  • Andreas Schröder
    Acceleration of Runtime Intensive Applications by Deploying Parallel Processing
    December 07. 2006, 12:30
  • Michael Roscher
    Genetic Algorithms for Optimization of Satellite Thermal Models
    EADS Astrium Satellites, Friedrichshafen
    viva-voce diploma thesis; October 19. 2006, 12:30
  • Dirk Rachholz
    Development of Automated Software for Contents Representation of a Meteorological Database
    IAP, Leibnitz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik e.V., Kühlungsborn
    viva-voce diploma thesis; October 12. 2006, 12:30
  • Thomas Weber
    Investigation on Efficiency and Robustness of Audio Technologies for Automated Documentation of Measured Data
    viva-voce master thesis; September 28. 2006, 12:30
Sommersemester 2006
  • Christian Stenzel
    Distributed and Parallel Simulation in Context of General Distributed and Parallel Processing - Application of HLA Technology in Ship Design
    viva-voce master thesis; August 30. 2006, 10:30
  • Tobias Prien
    Examination of Impact of Engine Parameters on Exhaust Port Sound
    Audi AG Ingolstadt
    viva-voce diploma thesis; August 30. 2006, 10:00
  • Andreas Liebeke
    FEM Vibration Model of Sheed Fed Offset Printing Machines
    Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
    viva-voce diploma thesis; August 30. 2006, 9:00
  • Dirk Jaetzel
    Simulation of Passenger Car's Cooling Circuit with Modelica/Dymola
    viva-voce diploma thesis; May 17. 2006, 11:30
  • Festo
    Virtual Automation Systems
    Mar. 23. 2006, 13:00
  • Tobias Pingel
    Comparison of Different Structures for Distributed Computing for Search of Optimal Balanced Codes for Optical CDMA
    Mar. 09. 2006, 12:30
  • Björn Stenfeldt
    Acceleration of a Cluster Method for Optical Transfer Functions
    viva-voce diploma thesis; Mar. 02. 2006, 13:15
    (closed session, for group members only)
  • Michael Reppenhagen
    Embedding Audio Technologies into Engineering Environments and Technical Applications
    viva-voce diploma thesis; Mar. 02. 2006, 12:30
  • René Fink
    status PhD project;
  • Thorsten Pawletta

    State of the Art in Discrete Event Modeling & Simulation
    An Overview
Forschungsseminare 2003-2005
Wintersemester 2005/06
  • Andreas Schröder
    Jan. 19. 2006, 10:00
  • Tino Hallmann
    Application of QNX and RT-LAB
    Jan. 12. 2006, 14:00
  • Olaf Hagendorf
    Object Oriented Programming with Matlab
    New Features of the Current Matlab Release
    Nov. 24. 2005, 14:00
  • Gunnar Maletzki
    Modelling and Simulation with Statecharts
    New Features of the Current Stateflow Release
    Nov. 17. 2005, 14:00
  • Steffen Schley
    Development of an Universal Robot Gripper
    project status; Oct. 20. 2005, 15:00
Sommersemester 2005
  • Renaldo Jörn
    Transaction-based Modeling within Matlab/Simulink
    project presentation; Sept. 08. 2005, 13:00
  • Georg Kindel
    Weiterführende Leistungsanalyse eines Parallelverarbeitungssystems
    project presentation; Sept. 01. 2005, 10:30
  • Olaf Hagendorf
    The MatlabDEVS Toolbox and its Application
    status PhD project; Jun. 02. 2005, 12:30
  • Gunnar Maletzki
    Programming Techniques for Robot Control
    and Application at Real-time Scheduling
    status PhD project; Jun. 02. 2005, 12:30
  • Christina Deatcu
    Distributed Simulation-based Control of Discrete Event Systems
    Using HLA - An Overview
    status project; May. 26. 2005, 15:00
  • Jacky Ölscher
    Methoden zur Abschätzung des Zylinderdrucks und des Lastmomentes
    status PhD project; Apr. 28. 2005, 12:30
  • Martin Kremp
    Matlab's Genetic Algorithm Toolbox and its Application at
    Simulation-based Real-time Scheduling
    Apr. 7. 2005, 12:30
  • Christian Stenzel
    HLA Evolved and Civil Applications
    Mar. 31. 2005, 16:00
  • Christian Stenzel
    Zusammenfassung der Beitraege des HLA-Forums
    (2.3.2005 Magdeburg)
    conference summary; Mar. 17. 2005, 14:30
  • René Fink
    Zusammenfassung der Tagung
    “Computational Engineering - Forschung und Lehre”
    (23./24.2.2005 Darmstadt)
    conference summary; Mar. 17. 2005, 14:00
Wintersemester 2004/05
  • Gunnar Maletzki
    Industrial Robot Control using Matlab/Stateflow
    MEng. project disputation; Feb. 18. 2005; 10:15
    Build. 17, KuKa Laboratory
  • Georg Kindel
    Performance Analysis of a Parallel Processing System
    project disputation; Feb. 10. 2005, 12:30
  • Martin Kremp
    Optimisation Methods and Simulation
    status PhD project; Jan. 20. 2005
  • Renaldo Joern
    Matlab GPSS
    project disputation; Jan. 13. 2005, 13:00
  • Christian Stenzel
    Distributed Simulation / HLA
    diploma disputation; Jan. 13. 2005, 12:30
  • Olaf Hagendorf
    Working Highlights of the SyntaX Software Company;
    DEVS-based Simulation and Structure Optimisation
    status PhD project; Jan. 6. 2005, 12:30
  • Jacky Oelscher
    Zylinderdruck basiertes Motormanagement
    status PhD project; Dec. 9. 2004, 12:30
  • Andreas Schroeder
    introductory talk; Dec. 2. 2004, 13:00
  • Georg Kindel
    Performance Analysis of a Parallel Processing System
    status project; Dec. 2. 2004, 12:30
  • René Fink
    Parallel Processing with SCEs
    status PhD project; Nov. 25. 2004, 10:00
Sommersemester 2004
  • René Fink
    MATLAB-based parallel optimization with integrated simulation
    pre-presentation EUROSIM'04/Paris contribution; Aug. 30. 2004
  • Jaecky Oelscher
    Statistical Analysis of the dynamic behaviour of scrap baling presses
    diploma disputation; Aug. 30. 2004
  • Christian Stenzel
    PADS and HLA
    tutorial & status Matlab/HLA; Aug. 05. 2004
  • Jacky Ölscher
    State Monitoring for RAS III
    current status; May 27. 2004
  • Dr. Krzysztof Opzedkiewicz; State Higher Vocational School Tarnow, Poland;
    Meeting of Hard Real-Time Requirements at PLC Systems
    invited talk; May 11. 2004
  • Wolf-Christian Schmidt
    An HIL System for Testing ECUs
    diploma disputation; May 07. 2004
  • Gunnar Maletzki
    KuKa Robot Coupling with Stateflow
    current status; Mar. 29. 2004
Wintersemester 2003/04
  • Jacky Ölscher
    Speech Pattern Recognition with Matlab
    final status; Feb. 27. 2004
  • Norman Biehl
    Investigations about the Integration of External Functionality into the Matlab Environment
    diploma disputation; Feb. 27. 2004
  • Krzysztof Maslanka
    Matlab Toolbox for KuKa Robot Control
    diploma disputation; Feb. 27. 2004
  • Adam Machet
    Integration of 3D-Positioning System in an Industrial Robot System
    diploma dissertation; Feb. 27. 2004
  • René Fink
    Development of a New Benchmark Suite for Evaluating
    Parallel Simulation Techniques
    diploma disputation; Feb. 24. 2004
  • Gunar Maletzki, Peter Dünow
    Motion Programming KuKa Robot
    current status; Feb. 17. 2004
  • Christina Deatcu
    MatlabDEVS Toolbox
    current status; Nov. 28. 2003
  • René Fink
    Comparison on Parallel Simulation Techniques
    project disputation; Nov. 10. 2003
  • Peter Dünow
    Introduction KuKa Robot
    tutorial; Oct. 28. 2003
  • Andreas Führ
    Solid Process Simulation
    project disputation; Oct. 27. 2003
  • Gunnar Maletzki
    Simulation Based Robot Control
    current status MEng. project; Oct. 27. 2003
  • Gunnar Maletzki
    Conclusion of Problems in Process Coupled Simulation with Stateflow
    final overview; Oct. 23. 2003
  • Martin Kremp
    Process Coupled Simulation
    current status; Oct. 17. 2003
  • Christian Stenzel
    HLA within Matlab
    current status; Oct. 10. 2003
  • Jacky Ölscher
    Speech Pattern Recognition with Matlab
    current status; Oct. 02. 2003