- Klobe,S.; Ahrens,A.; Lange, Ch.; Müller, I.; Leitert, P.; Zascerinska, J.:
Resource Allocation in Correlated and Non-Correlated MIMO Systems.
DOI: 10.1109/SPSympo51155.2020.9593782
Conference: 2021 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo)
- Bartmann, P.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S; Müller, I.:
Digital Mirror Devices in Optical MIMO Transmission.
Conference proceedings ASYM 2014, Wismar,
ISBN: 978-3-942100-86-1
- Bremer K., Lewis E., Leen G., Moss B., Lochmann S., Mueller I. “Feedback Stabilized Interrogation Technique for EFPI/FBG hybrid Fibre Optic Pressure and Temperature Sensors”. Third Special Issue on Optical Fiber Sensors, Sensors Journal, IEEE, vol.12, no.1, pp.133-138, January 2012, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2011.2140104. URL:
- Bremer,K, Lewis, E., Leen, G., Moss, B, Leen, J, Lochmann, S., Mueller, I.:Fabrication of a Miniature All-Glass Fibre Optic Pressure Sensor. Proc. of 10th IEEE Sensors2010 Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 28-31 October 2011, ID 1323
- Bremer,K, Lewis, E., Leen, G., Moss, B, Leen, J, Lochmann, S., Mueller, I.: Temperature Compensated Miniature All-Glass Fibre Optic Pressure Sensor. Proc. of 10th IEEE Sensors2010 Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 28-31 October 2011, ID 1371
- Pankow, J.; Lochmann, S.; Müller, I.; Ahrens, A.: ”Erweiterte Chipansteuerung des Digital Light Prozessor DLP1700 für die schnelle optische Datenkommunikation“, 6th International Symposium on AUTOMATIC CONTROL, Wismar (Germany) 13. -- 14. Oct 2011
- Bremer, K.; Lewis, E.;Leen, G.;Moss, B.;Leen, J.; Lochmann, S.;Mueller, I.:”Fibre optic pressure sensor system for high temperature exhaust gas flows”, Proc. of 21th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors (OFS21), Ottawa, Canada, 15-19 May 2011, [77535K], doi:10.1117/12.885137
- Fibre Optic based Pressure Sensor for Biomedical Application
Bremer, K.; Lewis, E.; Leen, G.; Moss, B.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.;
UNI076/P/ IE,US, 1th Feb. 2010 Patent - Bremer, K.; Lewis, E.; Leen, G.; Moss, B.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.: “Feedback controlled single wavelength interrogation technique for miniature all-silica EFPI fibre optic pressure sensors”, Proc. of European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors 2010 (EWOFS2010),
Porto, Portugal, 8th-10th February 2010 (Erster Preis als „Best Paper“) - Bremer, K.; Lewis, E.; Leen, G.; Moss, B.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.; Reinsch, T.; Schroetter,J.: “Fibre Optic Pressure and Temperature Sensor for Geothermal Wells”, Proc. of 9th IEEE Sensors 2010 Conference, Hawaii, USA, 1st-4th Nov. 2010
- Bremer, K.; Lewis, E.; Leen, G.; Moss, B.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.: “ Simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature using an all-fused silica optical fibre EFPI pressure sensor incorporating a FBG”
- Bremer, K.; Lewis, E.; Leen, G.; Moss, B.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.: “Simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature using an all-fused silica optical fibre EFPI pressure sensor” 2010
- Bremer, K.; Lewis, E.; Leen, G.; Moss, B.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.: “,Conception and preliminary evaluation of an optical fibre sensor for simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature“ 2010
- Bremer, K.; Lewis, E.; Moss, B.; Leen, G.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.: “Conception and preliminary evaluation of an optical fibre sensor for simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature”, 20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors (OFS-20), October 2009, Edinburgh, UK
- Bremer, K.; Lewis, E.; Moss, B.; Leen, G.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.: “Conception and preliminary evaluation of an optical fibre sensor for simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature”, J. of Physics 178(2009), SENSORS & THEIR APPLICATIONS XV, 5–7 October 2009, Edinburgh, UK
- Bremer, K.; Lewis, E. ; Moss, B.;Leen, G.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.:"Simultaniously measuring the pressure and temperature of exhaust gas flows using an all-fused silica optical fibre EFPI pressure sensor", Energy Solutions, Limerick, Ireland, May 2009
- Bremer, K.; Lewis, E. ; Leen, G.; Moss, B.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.: "Fabrication of a high temperature resistance optical fibre micro pressure sensor", Int. Conference on SYSTEMS, SIGNALS & DEVICES (SSD’09). DJERBA – TUNISIA,. 23-26. March 2009
- Bremer, K.; Lewis, E. ; Leen, G.; Moss, B.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.:"Micro fibre optic pressure sensor based on a glass capillary and a glass diaphragm", 1st Asian Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, Co-located with Asian 2009 Winter School at Chienkuo Technology University, Changhua, Taiwan, 4-16 February 2009
Fabian, M.; Lewis, E.; Newe, T.; Lochmann, S; Müller, I.: "Investigation of Binary Liquid Mixtures Using Meander-Shaped Fibre-Optic Evanescent Field Absorption Sensors",
Proc. of 7th IEEE Conference on Sensors (IEEE SENSORS 2008), Lecce, Italy, 26th-29th October 2008, pp. 359-362, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2581-5, ISBN: 1930-0395Bremer, K.; Lewis, E.; Leen, G.; Moss, B.; Lochmann, S.; Mueller, I.: "An optical fibre micro pressure sensor with high temperature immunity", 5th International Symposium on Automatic Control (AUTSYM); Wismar, Germany, 18-19 Sep 2008, ISBN 978-3-939159-54-4
Fabian, M.; Newe, T.; Lewis, E.; Lochmann, S; Müller, I.: "Measurement Hardware Design for Optical Fibre Ring-down Sensors Applicable in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)", 11th Mechatronics Forum, June 23 - 25, 2008. University of Limerick, Ireland. ISBN: 1-905952-05-8
Fabian, M.; Lewis, E.; Newe, T.; Lochmann, S; Müller, I.: "Investigation of Ethanol and Methanol Water Mixtures in the Visible Wavelength Area Using Fibre-Optic Evanescent Field Absorption Sensors based on a U-Shaped, a Coil-Shaped and a Meander-Shaped Probe", Proc. of IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS),
Atlanta, USA, 12th-14th February 2008
- Fabian, M; Müller, I.; Lochmann, S.; Bramann, G.; Busch, A.; Wienecke, M.: Reconfigurable modular test and measurement device for optical fibre sensors. Proc. of Embedded World Conference, Nürnberg, Germany 13.-15. February 2007
- Müller, I; Heidemann, St.: Intelligente Sensoren in Brennstoffzellensystemen. 4. Automatisierungtechniksymposium, Wismar 2005
- Müller, I; Richter, A.: Intelligente CCD-Kameras für Mess- und Inspektionsaufgaben. 3. Automatisierungtechniksymposium, Wismar 2002
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- Labahn, N; Müller, I; Fiedler, O; Werther, J: Halbleiterbildsensor als Ortsfiltersonde zur Partikelgeschwindigkeitsmessung. Internationales Kolloquium „Messtechnik und Modellierung für Mehrphasensysteme“ TU Hamburg-Harburg, 1992
- Fiedler,O; Kruse, K; Luschtinetz, Th.; Müller, I.: Universelle Schaltungsanordnung zum Betrieb induktiver und kapazitiver Positionssensoren DD290721, 1991
- Fiedler,O; Jaskulke, R; Müller, I.: Elektronischer Vollwinkelsensor. Patentschrift DD282068, 1990
- Fiedler,O.; Jaskulke, R; Müller, I.: Application of magnetic fluids in tilt sensors. 5. International Conference on Magnetic Fluids (ICMF), Riga 1989
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