Contributions and publications
- Duration of presentation: 15 min + 5 min discussion
- Language: German or English
The publication of contributions in a suitable form with ISBN number is planned. An abstract with 1-2 or a long version with 4-12 A4 pages can be submitted. Publication contributions are to be submitted on time as a pdf file by e-mail.
The contributions are to be prepared according to the templates for Word and Latex listed below. Presentation slides can also be published (max. 4-6 A4 pages) if they are prepared accordingly (pdf file, double-sided and without page numbering).
All accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore database.
Document templates:
LaTeX IEEEtran style or the Word template
Upload von Beiträgen
Die Einreichung von Beiträgen erfolgt über die Website des International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop ’23 der Hochschule Wismar.