

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Modulation-Mode and Power Assignment in SVD-assisted broadband MIMO Systems using Polynomial Matrix Factorization. In: International PhD workshop in conjunction with the XI Symposium of Magnetic Measurements, Czarny Las (Polen), 20.--22. Oktober 2014 (Young PhD Best Paper Award).

Ahrens, A.; Cano-Broncano, F.; Benavente-Peces, C.: Resource Allocation in GMD and SVD-based MIMO System. International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS), Wien (Österreich), 28.--30. August 2014, S. 27-35. (Best Paper Award).


Ahrens, A.; Cano-Broncano, F.; Benavente-Peces, C.: Modulation-Mode and Power Assignment in SVD-Assisted MIMO Systems with Transmitter-Side Antennas Correlation. International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS), Reykjavik (Island), 29.--31. Juli 2013, S. 225--232, (Best Paper Award).

Bremer, Kort: Light vor der Hacke-Endoskopie nur Nutzung von Geoenergie. Photonics4Energy Award, Helmholtz Zentrum Postdam - Deutsches GeoForschungZentrum (GFZ), Germany, 28. May 2013, (Best Paper Award)

Steffen Schröder: "Entwicklung einer modenselektiven Koppelvorrichtung für die optische MIMO - Übertragung auf der Basis des Digital Light Processors DLP1700", (Frege-Preis).

Bremer, Kort: Feedback controlled single wavelength interrogation technique for miniature all-silica EFPI fibre optic pressure sensors, "Best Student Paper Award in Session III" 4th European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS), Porto, Portugal, Sept. 2010, (Best Paper Award).


Möller, Stephan: Evaluation of Key Distribution Protocols for use with Wireless Sensor Networks, "Best paper award - 3rd prize", IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (IEEE SAS 2009) February 17th-19th, 2009. New Orleans, LA, USA, (Best Paper Award).

Björn Rehm: "Steuerung und Signalverarbeitung eines seriellen faseroptischen CDM-Sensornetzwerkes", (Professor Dr. Werner Peterson Preis der Technik).

Fabian, Matthias: Investigation of Ethanol and Methanol Water Mixtures in the Visible Wavelength Area Using Fibre-Optic Evanescent Field Absorption Sensors Based on a U-Shaped, a Coil-Shaped and a Meander-Shaped Probe, "2nd prize for Best Student Paper". IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS 2008). Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 12th-14th February, 2008, (Best Paper Award).

Steffen Abbenseth: "Optimierung einer Lichtwellenleiter-VCSEL-Ankopplung", (Frege-Preis).