Operation and Management of Maritime Systems
Master (M. Sc.)
Academic Degree
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Campus / Distance learning
Studies on campus
Normal period
3 Semester
Start of studies
to the winter semester
Place of study
Rostock - Warnemünde
Classroom Languages
This course has an accreditation
- erster berufsqualifizierender Studienabschluss (Bachelor, Diplom oder vergleichbar) mit mindestens 210 Leistungspunkten und einer Gesamtnote von mindestens 2,5 in einem Studiengang mit wirtschafts- oder ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Ausrichtung einer nationalen oder internationalen Hochschule
- kann die Gesamtnote von mindestens 2,5 nicht nachgewiesen werden, muss die Abschlussarbeit mit einer Modulnote von 2,0 oder besser bestanden worden sein
- Bewerber mit einem Studienabschluss von insgesamt 180 Leistungspunkten können nach Absprache mit und durch Entscheidung des Prüfungsausschusses Module im Umfang von 30 Leistungspunkten ableisten
- lautet die Gesamtnote 3,0 oder schlechter, erfolgt keine Zulassung
Details zur Zulassung finden Sie in den entsprechenden Ordnungen.

Studying at the Department of Maritime Studies, Systems Engineering and Logistics
The job description and the areas of profession in maritime economy are subject to the change of the time like everything else. The knowledge provided in the Master’s degree course "Operation and Management of Maritime Systems" prepares the graduate excellent for starting work life in leadership positions, where advanced knowledge, lateral economic thinking and soft skills are essential.
Studying this Master’s degree course means to prepare specific for a career in the maritime industry.
Advantages of a Master's degree
- Graduates gain a better overview of the universal picture in terms of maritime systems
- Application advantages in terms of job advertisement for management positions can increase
- Acquisition of a second university degree and thus the possibility of a subsequent doctorate
- No degree with a maritime background is required
- No tuition fees are charged for the consecutive Master's degree course
Excellent prospects in sight
The professional areas of the Master’s degree course’s graduates are to be found in
- the marine and port sector, for example shipping companies, port operation companies and maritime service providers
- the maritime industry, for example shipyards, component suppliers and in the field of offshore business
- the maritime orientated training and further education
- the field of senior services in public administration
The future area of profession might be in management, in the strategic level of decision-making preparations or in the specific operational service.
Your qualifications
In this Master’s degree course, students can deepen their specific knowledge and expand it in additional subjects. It is possible to choose a specialisation from several compulsory elective modules.
The aim is to qualify graduates so that they
- have a broad scientific base and specialist knowledge necessary for the transition to professional practice
- have analytical, networked thinking skills in the development of solutions to technical, economic and organizational problems
- are able to cooperate with professional colleagues and other professionals in the maritime sector, to seek solutions in the critical discourse, to work in a team and to convincingly represent their work to the outside world
- are able to act methodically and independently, socially responsible and environmentally conscious
The course of study aims to prepare for executive functions in the area of maritime systems in a professional, application-oriented and methodical way. Building on a first qualifying degree in an either economic or engineering course of study knowledge and ability for the management of maritime systems are deepened.
The main focus is on safe and efficient management of these systems, the economical, logistical and legal frameworks and connections as well as the area of soft skills.
Based on the managers tasks of a maritime company or a company related to the maritime industry you are given the ability to apply scientific methods and ways of working – next to the necessary special knowledge for your transition to professional life. Correspondingly the education is focused on independent scientific work.
The students are expected to be able to creatively develop alternative actions by themselves or in teams and to choose the optimal action alternative under consideration of the company’s targets and enforce those - based on their own analysis. The training needed therefore is made on the one hand in laboratory and simulator tutorials and on the other hand by processing case studies and complex projects in small groups.
The concept of the studies represents high demands on the students in terms of motivation, initiative and independence. Especially during processing case studies in small groups the students are placed in unusual situations to get used open and creatively to new conditions. At the same time social skills and communicative competences are encouraged.
At the end of studies the students should oversee the connections between their subject areas during studies and be able to analyze specific circumstances in a pragmatic and independent way and to evaluate solutions scientifically sound and to enforce those.
Module overview: Subject to change without notice. Please note the current status according to the examination and study regulations. You can find a detailed description of all modules in the module handbook. The examination and study regulations as well as the module handbook are available for download in the info box. The documents are only available in German language.
With the exception of one elective module, the lectures are provided in English language.
This Master's degree course is an application-orientated full-time presence-course of studies with a duration of studies of three semesters and it concludes with the degree "Master of Science (M. Sc.)".
The Master's degree course consists of six compulsory and four elective modules, of which a total of two must be chosen. The compulsory modules, in particular, focus on the safe and effective operation of maritime systems, the legal and economic aspects to be taken into account and soft skills. In the compulsory elective modules, students have the opportunity to acquire specialised knowledge in nautical, technical or economic areas.
In case of questions regarding the course of study and the content of your studies, please contact Professor Omar
Pflichtmodule (PM) Compulsory modules (PM) | ||
PM 01 Safety, Security and Ecology in Maritime Systems | PM 02 Technical Aspects and Simulation of Maritime Systems | PM 03 Human Resources/ Organisational Management |
PM 04 Maritime Business Communication | PM 05 Maritime Management/ Port Operations | PM 06 Management and Business Simulation |
PM 07 | ||
Wahlpflichtmodule (WPM) Elective modules (WPM) | ||
WPM 01 Maritime Law | WPM 02 Integrated Manoeuvring/ Propulsion and Navigation Systems | WPM 03 Operation, Monitoring & Maintenance of Technical Systems |
WPM 04 Operational & Strategic Management in Shipbuilding |
Academic counselling
Student counselling
- Jana FischerDipl.-Kff.EmployeeSeefahrt, Anlagentechnik und Logistik
Application Process
All international applicants have to register in the application online portal. Further information about the application process can be found here – Applications for full-time studies.
Student Support
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact our international office – it is the first point of contact for those who would like to join us as a student.
International office »
- Narangerel TsendbaatarDipl.-Wirtsch.jur. (FH)Employee
Living and studying in Rostock-Warnemünde
Operation and Management of Maritime Systems
Master (M. Sc.)
Academic Degree
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Campus / Distance learning
Studies on campus
Normal period
3 Semester
Start of studies
to the winter semester
Place of study
Rostock - Warnemünde
Classroom Languages
This course has an accreditation
- erster berufsqualifizierender Studienabschluss (Bachelor, Diplom oder vergleichbar) mit mindestens 210 Leistungspunkten und einer Gesamtnote von mindestens 2,5 in einem Studiengang mit wirtschafts- oder ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Ausrichtung einer nationalen oder internationalen Hochschule
- kann die Gesamtnote von mindestens 2,5 nicht nachgewiesen werden, muss die Abschlussarbeit mit einer Modulnote von 2,0 oder besser bestanden worden sein
- Bewerber mit einem Studienabschluss von insgesamt 180 Leistungspunkten können nach Absprache mit und durch Entscheidung des Prüfungsausschusses Module im Umfang von 30 Leistungspunkten ableisten
- lautet die Gesamtnote 3,0 oder schlechter, erfolgt keine Zulassung
Details zur Zulassung finden Sie in den entsprechenden Ordnungen.

Studying at the Department of Maritime Studies, Systems Engineering and Logistics
The job description and the areas of profession in maritime economy are subject to the change of the time like everything else. The knowledge provided in the Master’s degree course "Operation and Management of Maritime Systems" prepares the graduate excellent for starting work life in leadership positions, where advanced knowledge, lateral economic thinking and soft skills are essential.
Studying this Master’s degree course means to prepare specific for a career in the maritime industry.
Advantages of a Master's degree
Graduates gain a better overview of the universal picture in terms of maritime systems Application advantages in terms of job advertisement for management positions can increase Acquisition of a second university degree and thus the possibility of a subsequent doctorate No degree with a maritime background is required No tuition fees are charged for the consecutive Master's degree course
Excellent prospects in sight
The professional areas of the Master’s degree course’s graduates are to be found in
- the marine and port sector, for example shipping companies, port operation companies and maritime service providers
- the maritime industry, for example shipyards, component suppliers and in the field of offshore business
- the maritime orientated training and further education
- the field of senior services in public administration
The future area of profession might be in management, in the strategic level of decision-making preparations or in the specific operational service.
Your qualifications
In this Master’s degree course, students can deepen their specific knowledge and expand it in additional subjects. It is possible to choose a specialisation from several compulsory elective modules.
The aim is to qualify graduates so that they
- have a broad scientific base and specialist knowledge necessary for the transition to professional practice
- have analytical, networked thinking skills in the development of solutions to technical, economic and organizational problems
- are able to cooperate with professional colleagues and other professionals in the maritime sector, to seek solutions in the critical discourse, to work in a team and to convincingly represent their work to the outside world
- are able to act methodically and independently, socially responsible and environmentally conscious
The course of study aims to prepare for executive functions in the area of maritime systems in a professional, application-oriented and methodical way. Building on a first qualifying degree in an either economic or engineering course of study knowledge and ability for the management of maritime systems are deepened.
The main focus is on safe and efficient management of these systems, the economical, logistical and legal frameworks and connections as well as the area of soft skills.
Based on the managers tasks of a maritime company or a company related to the maritime industry you are given the ability to apply scientific methods and ways of working – next to the necessary special knowledge for your transition to professional life. Correspondingly the education is focused on independent scientific work.
The students are expected to be able to creatively develop alternative actions by themselves or in teams and to choose the optimal action alternative under consideration of the company’s targets and enforce those - based on their own analysis. The training needed therefore is made on the one hand in laboratory and simulator tutorials and on the other hand by processing case studies and complex projects in small groups.
The concept of the studies represents high demands on the students in terms of motivation, initiative and independence. Especially during processing case studies in small groups the students are placed in unusual situations to get used open and creatively to new conditions. At the same time social skills and communicative competences are encouraged.
At the end of studies the students should oversee the connections between their subject areas during studies and be able to analyze specific circumstances in a pragmatic and independent way and to evaluate solutions scientifically sound and to enforce those.
Module overview: Subject to change without notice. Please note the current status according to the examination and study regulations. You can find a detailed description of all modules in the module handbook. The examination and study regulations as well as the module handbook are available for download in the info box. The documents are only available in German language.
With the exception of one elective module, the lectures are provided in English language.
This Master's degree course is an application-orientated full-time presence-course of studies with a duration of studies of three semesters and it concludes with the degree "Master of Science (M. Sc.)".
The Master's degree course consists of six compulsory and four elective modules, of which a total of two must be chosen. The compulsory modules, in particular, focus on the safe and effective operation of maritime systems, the legal and economic aspects to be taken into account and soft skills. In the compulsory elective modules, students have the opportunity to acquire specialised knowledge in nautical, technical or economic areas.
In case of questions regarding the course of study and the content of your studies, please contact Professor Omar
Pflichtmodule (PM) Compulsory modules (PM) | ||
PM 01 Safety, Security and Ecology in Maritime Systems | PM 02 Technical Aspects and Simulation of Maritime Systems | PM 03 Human Resources/ Organisational Management |
PM 04 Maritime Business Communication | PM 05 Maritime Management/ Port Operations | PM 06 Management and Business Simulation |
PM 07 | ||
Wahlpflichtmodule (WPM) Elective modules (WPM) | ||
WPM 01 Maritime Law | WPM 02 Integrated Manoeuvring/ Propulsion and Navigation Systems | WPM 03 Operation, Monitoring & Maintenance of Technical Systems |
WPM 04 Operational & Strategic Management in Shipbuilding |
Academic counselling
Student counselling
- Jana FischerDipl.-Kff.EmployeeSeefahrt, Anlagentechnik und Logistik
Application Process
All international applicants have to register in the application online portal. Further information about the application process can be found here – Applications for full-time studies.
Student Support
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact our international office – it is the first point of contact for those who would like to join us as a student.
International office »
- Narangerel TsendbaatarDipl.-Wirtsch.jur. (FH)Employee