Information and Electrical Engineering
Master (M. Eng.)
Academic Degree
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Campus / Distance learning
Studies on campus
Normal period
3 semester
Start of studies
to winter and summer semester
Classroom Languages
This course has an accreditation
- erster berufsqualifizierender Studienabschluss mit mindestens 210 Leistungspunkten und einer Gesamtnote von 2,5 oder besser in einem Studiengang Informations- und Elektrotechnik oder einem vergleichbaren Studiengang mit ingenieurwissenschaftlicher, technischer oder technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Ausrichtung einer nationalen oder internationalen Hochschule
- kann die Gesamtnote von mindestens 2,5 nicht nachgewiesen werden, muss die Abschlussarbeit mit einer Modulnote von 2,5 oder besser bestanden worden sein oder eine einschlägige, mehrjährige Praxisqualifikation vorliegen
- Bewerber mit einem Studienabschluss von insgesamt 180 Leistungspunkten können nach Absprache mit und durch Entscheidung des Prüfungsausschusses Module im Umfang von 30 Leistungspunkten ableisten
- lautet die Gesamtnote 3,1 oder schlechter, erfolgt keine Zulassung
Details zur Zulassung finden Sie in den entsprechenden Ordnungen.
Excellence in practice.
The Master's programme in Information and Electrical Engineering at Wismar University of Applied Sciences is based on a corresponding or a comparable Bachelor's programme at a national or international University.
More than ever, the modern professional world demands well-trained specialists who can work in interdisciplinary teams. Students learn the necessary tools for a successful career on this Master's degree programme, which opens up an above-average number of opportunities.

With this Master's degree programme, we enable our students to work and conduct research independently. In addition, we encourage students to develop their own profile in the fields of expertise in communications engineering depending on their personal interests and strengths.
Our teaching, which is didactically adapted to industry requirements, offers the opportunity to deepen the specialised knowledge already acquired. Exercises and seminars are held in presence, but also in multimedia formats. The use of modern scientific-practical tools for simulation or in laboratory projects permeates the course of study.
The practical application of the skills acquired to industry-related problems is another focus. This is why the proportion of project and research-orientated work is very high. When working on the various projects, our students learn to recognise and, above all, analyse problems, select suitable methods for dealing with them and develop alternative solutions.
A Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) is awarded. The Master's degree enables entry into management positions, opens up access to the higher civil service and entitles you to enter a PhD programme.
Subject to change without notice. Please note the current status according to the examination and study regulations (PSO). A detailed description of all modules can be found in the module handbook. The examination and study regulations and the module handbook are available for download in the info box.
The Master's program is divided into compulsory and elective modules. The standard period of study is three semesters and is divided into two pure theory semesters and one semester for the preparation of the Master's thesis. If possible, one semester should be spent at one of the foreign universities with which the Wismar University of Applied Sciences has signed cooperation agreements.
Semester 1 | Semester 2 | Semester 3 |
Telecommunications und Communications Engineering – Compulsory modules | ||
Simulation of Complex Systems | Quality Management | Master's thesis |
Project Seminar | Research Seminar | |
Microsystems Engineering II | Advanced Topics of Communications | |
Communication Systems | Advanced Optical Communications | |
Network and Security Management | Integrated Circuit Design | |
Elective Moduls | ||
Communication Systems | Advanced Optical Communications | |
Microprocessor Engineering in Mobile Devices | Telecommunications Engineering Project |
Student counselling
International Office
- Narangerel TsendbaatarDipl.-Wirtsch.jur. (FH)Employee
For more information regarding the application process please contact
Information and Electrical Engineering
Master (M. Eng.)
Academic Degree
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Campus / Distance learning
Studies on campus
Normal period
3 semester
Start of studies
to winter and summer semester
Classroom Languages
This course has an accreditation
- erster berufsqualifizierender Studienabschluss mit mindestens 210 Leistungspunkten und einer Gesamtnote von 2,5 oder besser in einem Studiengang Informations- und Elektrotechnik oder einem vergleichbaren Studiengang mit ingenieurwissenschaftlicher, technischer oder technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Ausrichtung einer nationalen oder internationalen Hochschule
- kann die Gesamtnote von mindestens 2,5 nicht nachgewiesen werden, muss die Abschlussarbeit mit einer Modulnote von 2,5 oder besser bestanden worden sein oder eine einschlägige, mehrjährige Praxisqualifikation vorliegen
- Bewerber mit einem Studienabschluss von insgesamt 180 Leistungspunkten können nach Absprache mit und durch Entscheidung des Prüfungsausschusses Module im Umfang von 30 Leistungspunkten ableisten
- lautet die Gesamtnote 3,1 oder schlechter, erfolgt keine Zulassung
Details zur Zulassung finden Sie in den entsprechenden Ordnungen.

Excellence in practice.
The Master's programme in Information and Electrical Engineering at Wismar University of Applied Sciences is based on a corresponding or a comparable Bachelor's programme at a national or international University.
More than ever, the modern professional world demands well-trained specialists who can work in interdisciplinary teams. Students learn the necessary tools for a successful career on this Master's degree programme, which opens up an above-average number of opportunities.
With this Master's degree programme, we enable our students to work and conduct research independently. In addition, we encourage students to develop their own profile in the fields of expertise in communications engineering depending on their personal interests and strengths.
Our teaching, which is didactically adapted to industry requirements, offers the opportunity to deepen the specialised knowledge already acquired. Exercises and seminars are held in presence, but also in multimedia formats. The use of modern scientific-practical tools for simulation or in laboratory projects permeates the course of study.
The practical application of the skills acquired to industry-related problems is another focus. This is why the proportion of project and research-orientated work is very high. When working on the various projects, our students learn to recognise and, above all, analyse problems, select suitable methods for dealing with them and develop alternative solutions.
A Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) is awarded. The Master's degree enables entry into management positions, opens up access to the higher civil service and entitles you to enter a PhD programme.
Subject to change without notice. Please note the current status according to the examination and study regulations (PSO). A detailed description of all modules can be found in the module handbook. The examination and study regulations and the module handbook are available for download in the info box.
The Master's program is divided into compulsory and elective modules. The standard period of study is three semesters and is divided into two pure theory semesters and one semester for the preparation of the Master's thesis. If possible, one semester should be spent at one of the foreign universities with which the Wismar University of Applied Sciences has signed cooperation agreements.
Semester 1 | Semester 2 | Semester 3 |
Telecommunications und Communications Engineering – Compulsory modules | ||
Simulation of Complex Systems | Quality Management | Master's thesis |
Project Seminar | Research Seminar | |
Microsystems Engineering II | Advanced Topics of Communications | |
Communication Systems | Advanced Optical Communications | |
Network and Security Management | Integrated Circuit Design | |
Elective Moduls | ||
Communication Systems | Advanced Optical Communications | |
Microprocessor Engineering in Mobile Devices | Telecommunications Engineering Project |
Student counselling
International Office
- Narangerel TsendbaatarDipl.-Wirtsch.jur. (FH)Employee
For more information regarding the application process please contact