
CEA research group


H. Folkerts
An Architecture for Model Behavior Generation for Multiple Simulators

B. Freymann
Reactive and Cooperative Robot Controls Based on the SBC Framework

A. Schmidt
Variant Management in Modeling and Simulation Using the SES/MB Framework

R. Reinhardt
A Contribution to the Determination of Operationg Points for Axial Compressors

S. Behrendt
Application of Sophisticated Algorithms for Spark Ignition Engine Control

G. Maletzki
Rapid Control Prototyping of Complex and Flexible Robot Controls Using the SBC-Approach

M. Tomforde
Contribution to the Control of the Air Ratio of a Gasoline Engine, Taking Into Account the Dynamics of a Three-way Catalyst

C. Steinbrecher
Torque Coordination of Spark Ignition Engine - Control of Processes with Auxiliary Actuating and Control Variables

O. Hagendorf
Simulation Based Parameter and Structure Optimisation of Discrete Event Systems

R. Fink
Investigations on SCE Based Parallel Computing

J.-U. Dolinsky
The Development of a Genetic Programming Method for Kinematic Robot Calibration

SNE Special Issues

SNE Simulation Notes Europe
Special Issue 'Simulation of Technical Systems - Methods, Tools & Applications', Pawletta, T., Mammen, H.-T. (Eds.),
Volume 25, Issue 2, 2015, ARGESIM / ASIM, Vienna, ISSN/ISBN Print: 2305-9974, ISSN/ISBN Electronic: 2306-0271, DOI: 10.11128/sne.25.2.1029

SNE Simulation Notes Europe
Special Issue 'Ontologies in Modelling and Simulation', Pawletta, T., Durak, U. (Eds.),
Volume 24, Issue 2, 2014, ARGESIM / ASIM, Vienna, ISSN/ISBN Print: 2305-9974, ISSN/ISBN Electronic: 2306-0271, DOI: 10.11128/sne.24.2.1024

SNE Simulation Notes Europe
Special Issue 'Simulation of Traffic Systems - Technical Systems', Pawletta, T. (Ed.),
Volume 22, Issue 2, 2012, ARGESIM / ASIM, Vienna, ISSN/ISBN Print: 2305-9974, ISSN/ISBN Electronic: 2306-0271, DOI: 10.11128/sne.22.2.1012

SNE Simulation News Europe
Special Issue 'Parallel and Distributed Simulation Methods and Environments', Pawletta, T. (Ed.),
Volume 16, Issue 2, 2006 ARGESIM / EUROSIM / ASIM, Vienna, ISSN 0929-2268


C. Krull , W. Commerell, U. Durak , A. Körner , T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings Kurzbeiträge ASIM Workshop STS / GMMS / EDU 2023, Univ. Magdeburg
06. - 07. March 2023, Magdeburg
ARGESIM Report 22 (ASIM Mitteilung 186), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2023,
ISBN eBook 978-3-903347-62-5, DOI 10.11128/arep.22

C. Krull , W. Commerell, U. Durak , A. Körner , T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings Langbeiträge ASIM Workshop STS / GMMS / EDU 2023, Univ. Magdeburg
06. - 07. March 2023, Magdeburg
ARGESIM Report 21 (ASIM Mitteilung 185), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2023,
ISBN eBook 978-3-903347-61-8, DOI 10.11128/arep.21

F. Breitenecker , C. Deatcu, U. Durak , A. Körner, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings Langbeiträge ASIM SST 2022, 26. Symposium Simulationstechnik, TU Wien
25. - 27. July 2022, Vienna
ARGESIM Report 20 (ASIM Mitteilung 180), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2022,
ISBN eBook 978-3-901608-97-1, DOI 10.11128/arep.20

F. Breitenecker , C. Deatcu, U. Durak , A. Körner, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings Kurzbeiträge ASIM SST 2022, 26. Symposium Simulationstechnik, TU Wien
25. - 27. July 2022, Vienna
ARGESIM Report 19 (ASIM Mitteilung 179), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2022,
ISBN eBook 978-3-901608-96-4, DOI 10.11128/arep.19

C. Deatcu , D. Lückerath, O. Ullrich, U. Durak (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM SST 2020 - 25. ASIM Symposium Simulationstechnik
14. - 15. October 2020, Virtual Conference
ARGESIM Report AR 59 (ASIM Mitteilung AM 174), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2020, ISBN eBook 978-3-901608-93-3, DOI 10.11128/arep.59

U. Durak, C. Deatcu, J. Hettwer (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2019
ARGESIM Verlag, Wien, 2019; ISBN ebook: 978-3-901608-06-3; DOI 10.11128/arep.57; ARGESIM Report 57; ASIM Mitteilung 170

C. Deatcu, T. Schramm, K. Zobel (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM SST 2018 - 24. Symposium Simulationstechnik, Hamburg
04. - 05. October 2018, Hamburg
ARGESIM Verlag Wien, 2018; ISBN print: 978-3-901608-12-4; ISBN ebook: 978-3-901608-17-9; 10.11128/arep.56; ARGESIM Report 56; ASIM Mitteilung 168

W. Commerell, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2017
ARGESIM Verlag, Wien, 2017; ISBN print: 978-3-901608-50-6, ISBN ebook: 978-3-901608-90-2; DOI: 10.11128/arep.53; ARGESIM Report 53; ASIM Mitteilung 162

D. Tikhomirov, H.-T. Mammen, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2016
ARGESIM Wien, 2016; ISBN print: 978-3-901608-48-3, ISBN ebook: 978-3-901608-88-9; DOI: 10.11128/arep.51; ARGESIM Report 51; ASIM Mitteilung 158

J. Wittmann, C. Deatcu (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM 2014, 22. Symposium Simulationstechnik
3. - 5. September 2014, HTW Berlin.
ARGESIM Report 43 (ASIM Mitteilung AM 151), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2014, ISBN 978-3-901608-44-5

J. Scheible, I. Bausch-Gall, C. Deatcu (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2014
ARGESIM Verlag Wien, 2014; ISBN 978-3-901608-42-1; DOI: 10.11128/arep.42; ARGESIM Report 42; ASIM Mitteilung 149

C. Deatcu , P. Dünow, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings 5. ASIM-Workshop Wismar 2011 "Modellierung, Regelung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation". ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2011, CD, ISBN 978-3-901608-36-0

C. Deatcu, P. Dünow, T. Pawletta, S. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings Treffen der ASIM Fachgruppe STS und 4. ASIM-Workshop Wismar 2008 "Modellierung, Regelung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation". ARGESIM Report (ASIM-Mitteilungen AM 117), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2008, 284 pages

C. Deatcu, P. Dünow, S. Pawletta, T. Pawletta (Eds..):
Proceedings 3. ASIM-Workshop Wismar 2006 "Modellierung, Regelung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation". ARGESIM Report no. 31 (ASIM-Mitteilungen AM 101), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2006, 208 pages

C. Deatcu, P. Dünow, S. Pawletta, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM-Workshop Wismar 2004 "Modellierung, Regelung und Diagnose von Verbrennungsmotorprozessen". ARGESIM Report no. 27 (ASIM-Mitteilungen AMB 92), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna 2004, 183 pages

C. Deatcu, S. Pawletta, T. Pawletta (Eds.):
Proceedings ASIM-Workshop Wismar 2003 - Modellierung und Simulation in Automotive und Prozessautomation. ARGESIM Report no. 25 (ASIM-Mitteilungen AMB 85), ARGESIM-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, 2003, 85 pages

Further publications

by members of the CEA research group