Marine Engineering
The Republic of Indonesia with its capital city Jakarta is the largest island state in the world and has more then 237.500.000 inhabitants. Surabaya, a several centuries old shiptraffic junction in the Southeast Asian area, developed into one of the largest centres for shipping and shipbuilding of Indonesia.
According to this, it's no surprise that the Marine Engineering Faculty of the local university ITS Surabya is the national leading higher education institution for maritime education. Nearly 800 students apply there each year, 200 students become registered.
In the winter semester 2011/2012 the by the German Acadamic Exchange Service supported joint Bachelor course “Marine Engineering” of the Hochschule Wismar, Germany and the “Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember” (ITS Surabaya), Indonesia will be commenced for the first time. Both institutions have outstanding standards and excellent references in the international maritime education and research.
All courses of the program are held at the ITS in Surabaya. The Indonesian lecturers are supported by four professors of the Hochschule Wismar and by selected guest lecturers from the international maritime industry.
The aim of this innovative academic program is to impart technical ship operating knowledge on the one hand and shipbuilding know-how on the other hand. Due to this unique combination, the graduates of the Bachelor course “Marine Engineering” will be perfectly prepared for the high demands on the efficient, safe and environmentally friendly ship operation. The program attaches high value on maritime-technical system understanding and practical application reference.
In the first two semesters the students acquire a solid basic knowledge of science and the English language. In the semesters 3 to 8 key competencies of maritime-technical management shall be conveyed to them.
These include:
- Technical management of ship- and port operations,
- Maintenance management of maritime technical systems,
- Marine survey and inspection,
- Maritime safety- and environmental management and
- Shipbuilding and offshore technology for marine engineers.
For most of the practical training the excellently equipped laboratories and simulators of the “Semarang Growth Center” can be utilized; a maritime education- and training centre that has been built in German-Indonesian cooperation.
Graduates from the “Marine Engineering” Bachelor course receive a so-called “double degree”, which means they get a certificate both from the Hochschule Wismar and from the ITS Surabaya. They can hereby expect advanced employment opportunities within the international maritime industry.

On the initiative of a representative of Semarang Growth Center in Indonesia, which was founded with the support of the Faculty of Maritime Studies Warnemünde, delegates of the Hochschule Wismar conducted a DAAD funded fact-finding mission to Indonesia. The intention was to explore the collaborative opportunities with the universities in Jakarta and Surabaya as well as to get in contact with the Indonesian Ministry of Higher Education.
From 29th June until 02nd July 2009 representatives from the University of Wismar (the vice-chancellor Prof. Dr. Norbert Grünwald and the head of the Department of maritime studies Prof. Dr. Karsten Wehner), the "Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)" and the "Semarang Growth Center (SGC)" met at the ITS Surabaya, Indonesia.
The purposes of their meeting were agreements about the possibility to implement a joint Bachelor program "Marine Engineering” - a program that will benefit from the individual strengths of its partners:
The Faculty of Marine Technology of the public, nationally and internationally recognized university ITS Surabaya is the most important higher education institution for maritime education in Indonesia.
The Department of Maritime Studies of the “Hochschule Wismar” is one of the leading institutions in the maritime training and research in Germany and will contribute his expertise and experience in the operation and management of marine systems towards the program.
The maritime education and training center SGC in Semarang is under the Directorate of the Indonesian Ministry of Education. The center was completed in 2006 and is among others equipped with the latest ship simulation technology, a machine room and a safety training area.
During the fact-finding mission the representatives of these institutions defined that the students of the Marine Engineering Program should be taught both shipbuilding and ship operation technology. This would allow the graduates to obtain a well-founded knowledge of ocean systems and processes. At the same time they will be able to ensure quality, safety and efficiency along the entire value chain of maritime production. Due to the constant reference to sustainability as part of their training, the engineers should also be sensitized for their responsibilities in the field of environmental protection. Before entering their degree studies which include an intensive practical training in the laboratories and simulators of SGC in the third and fourth year of study, the students first have to pass the two-year basic studies to learn the mathematical and technical basics. Furthermore, students get intensive English courses during this time that, of course, includes the vocabulary of Maritime English.
In order to conceive an appropriate curriculum, another target of the fact-finding mission was to establish a Task Force of the professors of the two participating institutions, of post-doctoral staff of the SGC and of representatives of the Indonesian industry who have completed a study in Germany.
After all these points could be successfully processed on 29th and 30th June, the next day a meeting was held with members of the Indonesian Maritime Partnership Collaboration (IMPC) and with two representatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Education in Jakarta, Mr. Franz Gelbke and Mrs. Kristina Tri Kusdiana (Ministry of Research and Technology). Both institutions were very interested in the marine engineering project. During the talks the members of the IMPC assured their support for the project and expressed the wish that the maritime sector will be involved in the cooperation. They also put great emphasis on internationality and on a high quality education in the context of the bachelor study.
Overall, the fact-finding mission was very successful and it formed the basis for the subsequent contract conclusion in October 2010 in Surabaya.

The Department of Maritime Studies from the Hochschule Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya and the Semarang Growth Center brought a unique joint bachelor degree course “Marine Engineering” into being. In October 2010 the partners beat the drum for their program for the first time.
After the “European Higher Education Fair (EHEF)” in 2008 attracts over 15.000 visitors, the organizers – including the German Academic Exchange Service - wanted to build on their grand success. Therefore, during the “Promotion Tour Indonesien 2010” the “European Education Fair 2010” was held on 09th and 10th October, which was supported by the European Union and the Indonesian Ministry of Education. This education fair is an opportunity for the European Universities to present their offered degree courses. Beside 77 other universities from 15 countries, the Hochschule Wismar attended with its own stand. For this purpose a delegation of professors from the Hochschule Wismar travelled to Jakarta, to represent their institution, their Standard- and Distance study degree courses and in particular their joint German – Indonesian bachelor degree course “Marine Engineering”. For the latter project the German professors got support by the Indonesian colleagues from the ITS Surabaya and by staffs of the SGC.
Subsequent to the EHEF the “Promotion Tour Indonesien 2010” continued in Yogyakarta (12.10.) and Surabaya (14.10.). Accordingly, the exhibitors were able to introduce their educational institutions to the visitors even in these two cities.
Statements about "Promotion Tour Indonesien 2010"
Dr. Ing Wolfgang Busse (project coordinator for the bachelor degree course “Marine Engineering”):
“The Promotion Tour showed us how huge the education market in Indonesia is. There’s a pronounced interest in studying in Germany. People expect technological leadership and excellence in university education from us. The interested visitors were also pleasantly surprised that there are no study fees in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and that the living costs are lower than expected. The pictures of the Baltic Sea were very tempting, as well..!”
Kania Rossa (coordinatorfor the bachelor degree course “Marine Engineering”):
„I was very impressed by the amazing visitors to our exhibition stand; they were enthusiastic to learn about our study programs. I didn't expect such a big number of people!
We had a lot of student visitors interested in our bachelor degree course “Marine Engineering” but also in other study courses of the Hochschule Wismar, like for example architecture and design. The students were very surprised that there are no study fees in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.”
Another very important item on the agenda of the travel to Indonesia was the contract conclusion, where the rector of the ITS Surabaya and the rector of the Hochschule Wismar signed the cooperation agreement for the bachelor degree course “Marine Engineering”.
But also the cultural program for the foreign visitors hasn’t been neglected: The fair participants visited in Yogyakarta among others “Keraton” (the Palace of the Sultan) and the Hindu temple “Prambanan”. In Surabaya they had a look at the “House of Sampoerna”, a clove cigarette company founded in 1913, and the old harbour “Kalimas” with its traditional Pinisi-sailing ships.
All in all the “Promotion Tour Indonesien 2010” was very successful; the Hochschule Wismar and the ITS Surabaya will participate in the EHEF 2011, as well, to promote their “Marine Engineering” bachelor degree course again.

Visit of the deputy ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Indonesia
On 30 January 2012, the deputy ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mrs. Heidrun Tempel, visited the ITS Surabaya to gain an overview of the actual status of implementation of the German - Indonesian degree course.
On the part of the ITS the rector, his entire staff and the deans of the faculties received Mrs. Heidrun Tempel. As representatives of the University of Wismar Prof. Dr. Frank Bernhardt, who teaches the subject “Ship Maintenance” within the Marine Engineering-degree course, and Dr. Busse, the project coordinator for Indonesia, were in attendance. Prof. Bernhardt was just in January in Surabaya – in order of the curriculum – to complete his first stay as visiting professor within which he presents a part of his lecturers in the form of a block course to the students.
During her visit, Mrs Tempel commended the high practical relevance of the bachelor degree course which can be realized owing to the close cooperation with the Semarang Growth Centre. Mrs Tempel took the time for having a look at the “Representation Office Surabya”, the branch of the University of Wismar at the ITS.
Important results of the meeting were, firstly, that the German Embassy in Jakarta declared their support for the University of Wismar also in the future, for example by establishing further contacts or by unbureaucratically issuing visa for the involved lecturers.
Another was that the rector of the ITS announced that the ITS is interested both in the development of a strong maritime department with academic and industrial cooperations as well as in expanding cooperation with Germany in the fields of energy, environment and information- and communication technology.
Hence, the visit of the deputy ambassador was a very informative meeting for all involved persons and a complete success.
Prof. Bernhardt and Dr. Busse used the exchange visit of the former to intensify cooperation with the ITS and to enhance contacts with industry partners. In addition, a meeting with Mr. Christoph Seemann, the Head of Press and Cultural Affairs, was held in the German embassy in Jakarta to strengthen the German – Indonesian cooperation in higher education.
Regarding the bilateral project Marine Engineering between Hochschule Wismar and ITS Surabaya (Indonesia) the Department of Maritime Studies welcomes four colleagues from Indonesia.
The guests spent three weeks in Germany to got an overview about the labs which are the practical part of the study. The involved persons commonly grasped at the chance for a lot of professional discussions and for exchanging some information about the differences to the opportunities in Indonesia.
The labs independently conducted and prepared by the Indonesian guests concentrated on the technical part. The aim was imparting knowledge about the content, the set up and the lab procedure itself. ITS - and especially the students who shall be prepared on a high level for the jobs on board - shall benefit from this knowledge. Owing to the versatile job profile of an on board technical engineer, academics of different fields have been invited.
Professor Wehner was responsible for the subject “Combustion Engines”. He received the Indonesian lecturer Semin PH.D. The labs concentrated on analyzing and checking diesel engine conditions. Furthermore, the labs included energy balance, operation behavior under normal circumstances and with disturbances as well as the preparation of auxiliary systems which are necessary to operate a diesel engine.
Professor Rachow’s guest was Sutopo Purwonow Fitri PH.D. His labs are about both steam-, cooling-, and air condition plants as well as ship engine plants. The content refers to energy balances, starting and operating of boiler plants, cooling plants and air condition plants. Additionally the labs included the operating behavior of one- and multiple-engine plants.
For the subject “electrical technic”, professor Markert had the pleasure to welcome Indra Ranu Kusuma M.Sc. The main focus of this subject was the whole knowledge about synchronal and asynchronal machines as well as the operating and switching of generators in parallel modus. Furthermore, the Indonesian lecturer dealt with the handling of electrical current and the required work protection. For several labs the simulator and the modern electrical labs of the Department of Maritime Studies have been used.
Professor Omar and Taufik Fajar Nugroho - the delegation’s headman - used their time for many in-depth discussions. The labs comprised the range of decks machine and processing machines. For instance, the setup and operation of air plants, the design and construction of hydraulically and pneumatically plants.
During the stay of the Indonesian delegation the guests were able to take part on a cultural program, as well: the rector of the Hochschule Wismar, Prof. Norbert Grünwald, invited them to the annual reception of the university. Furthermore the delegation was pleased to have the opportunity to visit several companies of the maritime industry which are located near Rostock like the engine producer “Caterpillar” or the shipyard “Nordic Yards”. The Indonesian guests were able to gain an insight view into the state of the art production lines and methods.
Taken as a whole, all participants experienced intensive three weeks which were very interesting and instructive for both sides.
Project coordinator Indonesia
Bachelor of Engineering
Beginning of the course
Each winter semester
Duration of studies
7 semesters