Steam boiler laboratory
Steam boiler
- Type: Ship bent-tube boiler
- Fuel: natural gas or fuel oil
Parameter of the plant
- Operating pressure: 14,5 bar
- Steam output: 2,0 t/h
- Combustion performance: 1980 kW
- Combustion chamber depth: 1,7 m
- Boiler heating surface: 52,6 m²
- ECO - heating surface: 24,2 m²
- Superheater heating surface: 17,5 m²
- Superheated steam temperature: 325 °C
- Combustion chamber dimension: 1,8 m³
- Steam space dimension: 1,05 m³
(Typ: EK 5.220 GL-RO (ELKO Klöckner))
- Fuel flow rate: 34-187 kg/h
- Heat capacity: 200-2200 kW
(Typ: 32YSIM-11)
- Volume flow rate: 141,6 m³/h
- Revolution: 2910 rpm
Tube condenser
- Medium: Steam
- Volume: 538 l
- Medium: water
- Volume: 116 l
Heating plant test bed
- with 3 heater loops
Parameter of the plant
- Bluewine oil burner
- Central heating boiler: 22 kW
- Digital boiler circle controller
(Dekamatik HK2) - Hot water heater: 150 l