Marine Electrical Engineering
Bachelor (B. Sc.)

There is no question that global shipping will continue to be necessary as the basis for international trade. A change is currently taking place in propulsion systems to reduce CO2 emissions. Be there when future ship propulsion systems become "green" electric drives – which will only succeed if someone masters the ultra-modern technology. The "Marine Electrical Engineering" Bachelor's degree course offers two fields of study:
- Electrical engineering in Ship's Operation
- Electrical engineering for shipbuilding
Studying in Wismar and Warnemünde
From the first to the fourth semester, all courses take place on the Wismar campus, as the foundation course is completed together with our students on the Bachelor's degree course in "Information and Electrical Engineering".
From the 5th semester onwards, all courses for the "Marine Electrical Engineering" degree course are offered exclusively on the Warnemünde campus.