

Auer, E.; Ahrens, A.; Sandmann, A. & Benavente-Peces, C.: Influence of uncertainty and numerical errors in the context of MIMO systems. In: 8th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC)., 2018

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S. & Pachnicke, S.: Mode Group Power Coupling Analysis for Short Reach Space Division Multiplexing. In: VDE VERLAG GmbH. : 19. ITG-Symposium on Photonic Networks., 2018, S. 77--82


Ahrens, A.; Sandmann, A.; Auer, E. & Lochmann, S.: Optimal Power Allocation in Zero-Forcing Assisted PMSVD-based Optical MIMO Systems. In: Sensor Signal Processing for Defence Conference (SSPD), 2017

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A. & Lochmann, S.: Evaluation of Polynomial Matrix SVD-based Broadband MIMO Equalization in an Optical Multi-Mode Testbed. In: Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO), 2017

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A. & Lochmann, S.: Successive Interference Cancellation in Spatially Multiplexed Fiber-optic Transmission. In: Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO), 2017

Götten, M.; Lochmann, S.; Sandmann, A. & Ahrens, A.: Mode Coupling Analysis in Optical MIMO Systems. In: 8th International Symposium on AUTOMATIC CONTROL (AUTSYM), 2017

Ahrens, A.; Sandmann, A. & Lochmann, S.: Optical MIMO Multi-mode Fiber Transmission using Photonic Lanterns. In: SciTePress. : Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications - Volume 5: OPTICS, (ICETE 2017)., Madrid (Spain), Juli 2017

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.; Rosenkranz, W. & Zimmermann, H.: Experimental Multi-Mode MIMO System Evaluation using Segmented Photo Detection. In: VDE VERLAG GmbH. : 18. ITG-Symposium on Photonic Networks., Leipzig (Germany), Mai 2017


Sandmann, A.; Götten, M.; Ahrens, A. & Lochmann, S.: MIMO Signal Processing in Optical Multi-Mode Fiber Transmission using Photonic Lanterns. In: 11th International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Birmingham (United Kingdom), Dezember 2016

Ahrens, A.; Sandmann, A. & Lochmann, S.: Iteratively Detected and SVD-assisted MIMO-BICM Multi-Mode Transmission Schemes using Optical Couplers. In: 11th International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Birmingham (United Kingdom), Dezember 2016

Ahrens, A.; Sandmann, A.; Bremer, K.; Roth, B.; Lochmann, S.: Improving Optical Fiber Sensing by MIMO Signal Processing. In: Scientific Conference WD2016, Lublin (Polen), Juni 2016.

Wang, Z.; Sandmann, A.; McWhirter, J. G.; Ahrens, A.: Multiple Shift SBR2 Algorithm for Calculating the SVD of Broadband Optical MIMO Systems. In: 39th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Wien (Österreich), Juni 2016.

Ahrens, A.; Sandmann, A.; Bremer, K.; Roth, B.; Lochmann, S.: Optical force Sensor based on multi-mode Fiber and MIMO Signal Processing. In: International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics, Hannover (Deutschland), Mai 2016.

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Experimental Evaluation of a (4x4) Multi-Mode MIMO System Utilizing Customized Optical Fusion Couplers. In: VDE VERLAG GmbHITG-Fachbericht 264: Photonische Netze, Leipzig (Deutschland), Mai 2016, S. 101--105.


Ahrens, A.; Sandmann, A.; Lochmann, S.; Wang, Z.: Decomposition of Optical MIMO Systems using Polynomial Matrix Factorization. In: 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing (ISP), London (UK), Dezember 2015.

Bartmann, P.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Iterative time domain simulation of optical MIMO channels. In: Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO), Riga (Lettland), November 2015, S. 38-41.
Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Power Allocation in PMSVD-based Optical MIMO Systems. In: Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO), Riga (Lettland), November 2015, S. 108--111.

Ahrens, A.; Sandmann, A.;Bremer, K.; Roth, B.; Lochmann, S.: Optical Fibre Sensors based on Multi-Mode fibres and MIMO Signal Processing: An experimental Approach. In: 24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors (OFS24), Curitiba (Brasilien), 28. September - 2. Oktober 2015.

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Performance Analysis of Polynomial Matrix SVD-based Broadband MIMO Systems. In: Sensor Signal Processing for Defence Conference (SSPD), Edinburgh (Schottland), 09.--10. September 2015.

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Resource Allocation in SVD-Assisted Optical MIMO Systems using Polynomial Matrix Factorization. In: 16. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, Leipzig, 07.-08. Mai 2015.

Bartmann, P.; Lochmann, S.; Ahrens, A.: Utilizing the DLP1700 as a Coupling Device for Optical MIMO Transmission. In: 16. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, Leipzig, 07.-08. Mai 2015.

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Resource Allocation in SVD-Assisted Broadband MIMO Systems using Polynomial Matrix Factorization. In: International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS), Angers (Frankreich), 11.-13. Februar 2015.

Benavente-Peces, C.; Ahrens, A.; Ortega-Gonzalez, F. J.; Pardo-Martin, J. M.: Antennas' Correlation Influence on the GMD-assisted MIMO Channels Performance. In: International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS), Angers (Frankreich), 11.-13. Februar 2015.


Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Modulation-Mode and Power Assignment in Optical MIMO Systems using Polynomial Matrix Factorization. In: 10th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing}, Birmingham (Großbritannien), 15.--17. Dezember 2014.

Ahrens, A.; Benavente-Peces, C.: Optimum Power Allocation in GMD and SVD-based MIMO Systems. In: 10th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Birmingham (Großbritannien), 15.--17. Dezember 2014.

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Zero--Forcing Equalisation of Estimated Optical MIMO Channels. In: Baltic Young PhD Conference ''10 Years Baltic Summer School'', Riga (Lettland), 28.--29. Juli 2014.

Schumacher, S.; Ahrens, A.; Benavente-Peces, C.: Optimal Detection in non-orthogonal CDMA-based Multiuser Transmission Schemes. In: Baltic Young PhD Conference ''10 Years Baltic Summer School'', Riga (Lettland), 28.--29. Juli 2014. 

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Modulation-Mode and Power Assignment in SVD-assisted broadband MIMO Systems using Polynomial Matrix Factorization. In: International PhD workshop in conjunction with the XI Symposium of Magnetic Measurements, Czarny Las (Polen), 20.--22. Oktober 2014 (Young PhD Best Paper Award).

Köhnke, H.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Time-Domain Simulation of optical MIMO Channel. In: International PhD workshop in conjunction with the XI Symposium of Magnetic Measurements, Czarny Las (Polen), 20.--22. Oktober 2014.

Lochmann, S.; Ahrens, A.: Mode Combining Components in MultimodeMIMO Transmission Systems. In: 7th International Symposium on Automatic Control (Autsym), Wismar, 25.-26. September 2014.

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Time Domain Description of Optical MIMO Channels. In: 7th International Symposium on Automatic Control (Autsym), Wismar, 25.-26. September 2014.

Bartmann, P.; Lochmann, S.; Ahrens, A.; Müller, I.: Digital Mirror Devices in Optical MIMO Transmission. In: 7th International Symposium on Automatic Control (Autsym), Wismar, 25.-26. September 2014.

Köhnke, H.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Receiver Component Evaluation for an optical MIMO Testbed. In: 7th International Symposium on Automatic Control (Autsym), Wismar, 25.-26. September 2014.

Köhnke, H.; Schwinkendorf, R.; Daase, S.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Receiver Design for an Optical MIMO Testbed. In: International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (OPTICS), Wien (Österreich), 28.--30. August 2014, S. 31-36.

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Equalisation of Measured Optical MIMO Channels. In: International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (OPTICS), Wien (Österreich), 28.--30. August 2014, S. 37-44.

Ahrens, A.; Cano-Broncano, F.; Benavente-Peces, C.: Resource Allocation in GMD and SVD-based MIMO System. International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS), Wien (Österreich), 28.--30. August 2014, S. 27-35. (Best Paper Award).

Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: MIMO-BICM Multimode Transmission Schemes with iterative Detection. In: 9th International Conference Intelligent Technologies in Logistics and Mechatronics Systems (ITELMS), Panevezys (Litauen), 22.-23. Mai 2014, S. 11-16.

Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Experimental Description Multimode MIMO Channels utilizing Optical Couplers. In: 15. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, Leipzig, 05.--06. Mai 2014, S. 125--130.

Cano-Broncano, F.; Ahrens, A.; Benavente-Peces, C.: Iterative Bit- and Power Allocation in correlated MIMO Systems. In: International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS), Lissabon (Portugal), 07.--09. Januar 2014.


Sandmann, A.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Signal Deconvolution of Measured Optical MIMO-Channels. In: XV International PhD Workshop, Wisla (Polen), 19.--22. Oktober 2013, S. 278--283

Cano-Broncano, F.; Ahrens, A.; Benavente-Peces, C.: Adaptive Power Allocation in SVD-Aided SDM-MIMO Systems. In: XV International PhD Workshop, Wisla (Polen), 19.--22. Oktober 2013, S. 268--273

Cano-Broncano, F.; Ahrens, A.; Benavente-Peces, C.: Power Allocation Techniques in MIMO Systems. In: XV International PhD Workshop, Wisla (Polen), 19.--22. Oktober 2013, S. 274--277

El-Shafiey, A. M.; Cano-Broncano, F.; Ahrens, A.: Bit and Power Allocation Strategies in SVD-equalized Broadband MIMO Systems. In: XV International PhD Workshop, Wisla (Polen), 19.--22. Oktober 2013, S. 262-267

Ahrens, A.; Schröder, A.; Lochmann, S.: Dispersion Analysis within a Measured 1,4 km MIMO Multimode Channel. In: International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (OPTICS), Reykjavik (Island), 29.--31. Juli 2013, S. 391--397

Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Optical Couplers in Multimode MIMO Transmission Systems: Measurement Results and Performance Analysis. In: International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (OPTICS), Reykjavik (Island), 29.--31. Juli 2013, S. 398--403

Ahrens, A.; Cano-Broncano, F.; Benavente-Peces, C.: Modulation-Mode and Power Assignment in SVD-Assisted MIMO Systems with Transmitter-Side Antennas Correlation. International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS), Reykjavik (Island), 29.--31. Juli 2013, S. 225--232. (Best Paper Award).

Cano-Broncano, F.; Benavente-Peces, C.; Ahrens, A.; Ortega-González, F. J.; Pardo-Martín, J. M.: Analysis of MIMO Systems with Transmitter-Side Antennas Correlation. In: International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS), Barcelona (Spanien), 19.--21. Februar 2013

Ahrens, A.; Cano-Broncano, F.; Benavente-Peces, C.: Power Distribution for SVD-aided MIMO Transmission with Receiver-Side Antennas Correlation. In: 10th IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA), Innsbruck (Österreich), 12.--14. Februar 2013


Ahrens, A.; Lange, C.; Lochmann, S.: EXIT Chart Analysis of Iteratively Detected and SVD-assisted MIMO-BICM Multimode Transmission Schemes. In: 9th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Birmingham (Großbritannien), 17.--20.Dezember 2012

Bremer, K.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Performance Analysis of Iteratively Detected and SVD-assisted MIMO-BICM Multimode Transmission Schemes. In: XIV International PhD Workshop, Wisla (Polen), 20.--23. Oktober 2012, S. 510--514

Wollenberg, T.; Bader, S.; Ahrens, A.: Measuring Channel Occupancy for 802.11 Wireless LAN in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band. In: 15th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Paphos (Zypern), 21.--25. Oktober 2012

Aust, S.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Channel-Encoded and SVD-assisted MIMO Multimode Transmission Schemes with Iterative Detection. In: International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (OPTICS), Rom (Italien), 24.--27. Juli 2012, S. 353--360

Aust, S.; Ahrens, A.; Lochmann, S.: Coherent SVD-assisted and Iteratively Detected MIMO Multimode Transmission. In: 19th International Conference on Microwave, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON), Warschau (Polen), 21.--23. Mai 2012, S. 663--667

Cano-Broncano, F.; Benavente-Peces, C.; Ahrens, A.; Ortega-González, F. J.; Pardo-Martín, J. M.: Analysis of MIMO Systems with Antennas Correlation with linear and non-linear spatial Distribution. In: International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS), Rom (Italien), 24.--26. Februar 2012, S. 278--283