- Jevgenij Jakunschin, Andreas Heuer, Antje Raab-Düsterhöft:
Detection of Trends and Opinions in Geo-Tagged Social Text Streams. ADBIS (Short Papers and Workshops) 2015: 259-267
- Nils Weber, Christoph Eigenstetter, Antje Düsterhöft, Markus Berg
Linguistic Rules for automatic summarization of spoken meetings.
In: 24th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, IOS Press, Amsterdam, KCSS 2014/04, 2014. - Jevgenij Jakunshin, Antje Düsterhöft, Christoph Eigenstetter
Text-retrieval in SQL and No-SQL environments.
In: 24th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, IOS Press, Amsterdam, KCSS 2014/04, 2014. - Markus Berg
Modelling of Natural Dialogues in the Context of Speech-based Information and Control Systems.
Ph.D. Thesis, eingereicht am 31.01.2014 an der Technischen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 2014.
- Markus Berg, Antje Düsterhöft, Nils Weber, Christoph Eigenstetter
Wirtschaftlicher Mehrwert durch den Einsatz von Sprachtechnologien.
In: Fachkongress Social Business – Tagungsband 2013, pages 24-32, eBusiness-Lotse NordOst, 2013. - Berg, Markus M., Isard, Amy and Moore, Johanna D.
An OpenCCG-Based Approach to Question Generation from Concepts.
In: Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, pages 38-52, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7934, 2013. - Berg, Markus
Natürlichsprachlichkeit in Dialogsystemen.
In Informatik-Spektrum, 36 (4): 371-381, 2013.
- Markus Berg
Survey on Spoken Dialogue Systems: User Expectations regarding Style and Usability.
Distinguished Paper Award in: XIV International PhD Workshop – OWD 2012, pages 256–261, Wisla (Poland), Conference Archives PTETiS 31, 2012. - Markus Berg, Antje Düsterhöft and Bernhard Thalheim
Towards Interrogative Types in Task-oriented Dialogue Systems.
In: 17th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language Processing to Information Systems, Springer, Groningen (The Netherlands), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7337, 2012. - Markus Berg, Antje Düsterhöft, Bernhard Thalheim
Query and Answer Forms for Sophisticated Database Interfaces.
In: 22nd European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Prague (Czech Republic), 2012. - Antje Düsterhöft, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Meike Klettke, ed.
Conceptual Modeling of Application Stories.
In: Conceptual Modelling and Its Theoretical Foundations - Essays Dedicated to Bernhard Thalheim on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, Springer Berlin, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7260, 2012.
- Markus Berg
Towards the Modelling of Backend Functionalities in Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems.
In: 5th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan (Poland), 2011. - Anna Biselli, Patrick Reipschläger, Markus Berg, Antje Düsterhöft
Automatische Übersetzung von der Deutschen Gebärdensprache in die deutsche Lautsprache.
In: 6. Kongress Multimediatechnik, Wismar (Germany), 2011. - Markus Berg, Bernhard Thalheim, Antje Düsterhöft
Dialog Acts from the Processing Perspective in Task Oriented Dialog Systems.
In: Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial 2011), pages 176–177, Los Angeles (USA), 2011. - Markus Berg, Antje Düsterhöft, Bernhard Thalheim
Adaptation in Speech Dialogues – Possibilities to Make Human-Computer-Interaction More Natural.
In: Fifth Baltic Conference "Human-Computer-Interaction", Riga (Latvia), 2011. - Antje Düsterhöft, Klaus-Dieter Schewe
Conceptual Modeling of Application Stories.
In: Handbook of Conceptual Modeling. Theory, Practice, and Research Challenges, Springer Berlin, 2011.
- Markus Berg, Antje Düsterhöft
Website Interaction with Text-based Natural Language Dialog Systems.
In: 7. Wismarer Wirtschaftsinformatiktage, Wismar (Germany), 2010. - Markus Berg, Antje Düsterhöft, Bernhard Thalheim
Integration of Natural Language Dialogues into the Conceptual Model of Storyboard Design.
In: 15th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, pages 196-203, Springer, Cardiff (UK), 2010. - Markus Berg, Petra Gröber, Martina Weicht
User Study: Talking to Computers.
In: 3rd Workshop on inclusive eLearning, London (UK), 2010. - Markus Berg, Bernhard Thalheim, Antje Düsterhöft
Integration of Dialogue Patterns into the Conceptual Model of Storyboard Design.
In: WISM@ER2010, Vancouver (Canada), 2010. - Markus Berg, Nils Weber, Gernot Ruscher, Sebastian Bader
Maike: Mobile Assistenzsysteme für intelligente kooperierende Räume und Ensembles.
In: 5. Kongress Multimediatechnik, Wismar (Germany), 2010. - Petra Gröber, Martina Weicht, Markus Berg
Inclusive eLearning - Special Needs and Special Solutions?.
In: 3rd Workshop on inclusive eLearning, London (UK), 2010.
- Markus Berg, Nils Weber, Christoph Eigenstetter, Antje Düsterhöft
Natürlichsprachliche Dialoge in Raumsteuerungssystemen.
In: 4. Kongress Multimediatechnik, Wismar (Germany), 2009. - Nils Weber, Christoph Eigenstetter, Markus Berg, Antje Düsterhöft
Ontologiespeicherung in Datenbanken im Kontext natürlichsprachlicher Dialogsysteme.
In: 21. Grundlagenworkshop von Datenbanken, Rostock (Germany), 2009.
- Christoph Eigenstetter, Antje Düsterhöft
Sprachgesteuerte Informationsportale für Tourismus und Verwaltung.
In: Sprachgesteuerte Informationsportale für Tourismus und Verwaltung, Wismar (Germany), 2008. - Niels Weber, Antje Düsterhöft
Natürlichsprachliche Dialogsysteme zur Steuerung von technischen Geräten.
In: 6. Wismarer Wirtschaftsinformatik-Tage, Wismar (Germany), 2008.
- Biehl, N., Düsterhöft, A., Kalkbrenner, S., Natsagdorj, S., Stein, M.
Generating Voice Interface for Mobile Devices.
In: 2.. Kongress Multimediatechnik, pages 222-235, Institut für Multimediatechnik, Wismar (Germany), 2007.
- Biehl, N., Düsterhöft, A.and Forbrig, P., Fuchs, G., Reichart, D., Schumann, H
Advanced Multi-Modal User Interfaces for Mobile Devices - Integration of Visualization, Speech Interaction and Task Modeling.
In: IRMA International Conference, Washington (USA), 2006. - Schumann, H., Forbrig, P., Düsterhöft, A., Fuchs, G., Reich-art, D., Biehl, N.
Model-Based Development of Interactive Systems - Integration of Visualization, Speech Interaction and Task Modelling.
In: Proc. Workshop: Multi-channel Adaptive Context-sensitive (MAC) Systems: Building Links between Research Communities, Glasgow (UK), 2006.
- Borchert, M., Düsterhöft, A.
Detecting and Classifying Emotions in Natural Language.
In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Wuhan (China), 2005.